Pop Hutchin's boathouse

Richard A. Taylor ? Grn Mt Man

Reading this great story brought me back to my first days on the river fishing.
We used to make minner nets exactly like the ones in Grn Mtn Man’s story. Thanks Richard for triggering such fond memories.


Gnu Bee Flyer,

You’re welcome. Wish I had some photos of “Pop’s” old boathouse. Spent many a summer day rowing that channel to the main lake.

We also used to carry a metal telescoping rod and the secret of it was the following: whenever the perch stopped biting quickly, as though a bell rang, we would bait the metal rod with a huge plastic red & white bobber, a large hook, to which was attached a small about six inch perch we kept for just this purpose, and over it would go. Hooked the perch just under the dorsal fin so that it could easily swim; but, not drag that big bobber under. Ultimately, we were soon rewarded with a vicious strike from either a big Northern pike, a pickrel or sometimes a big bass. As soon as the predator was aboard the perch would start biting again almost immediately. Funny thing is, I never really liked eating perch much then; but, my grandma loved them.