Please Help WCU Boy

I am struggling over a new rod that I believe will be my next choice. I am struggling over a Redington RS3 and which weight rod to go with. The struggle is between a four weight, nine foot or a five weight, nine foot. I am “sold” on the Redington RS3 outfit which includes everything(especially the wonderful CD reel). The purpose of the rod will have somewhat of a dual purpose. The first purpose will be for fishing for trout in the mountain streams of Western North Carolina when I visit home. The second purpose will be for fishing for bluegills in the farm ponds of eastern North Carolina where I live. I know that I want the nine foot length on either rod because of the necessity of mending my line in the mountain streams to get a drag-free drift. I will probably have to use some streamers if the water level is high on the mounatin streams. Which is better the four or the five weight for both of my intended purposes and quarry. I presently already have a Sage DS2 5 weight, 8 foot long and I am wobbling on the issue of why buy another five weight if you already have one. I can’t use the Sage very well in the mounatin streams because of problems of not being able to mend my line because of shorter rod length. Could any of you advise me about which weight rod would be better for my intentions? I would appreciate all helpful comments. Thank you very much. :lol: :o :o

wcu boy:
I always prefer the lighter rod, especially for the types of fishing you described. A 4 wt. should do you proud. Of course, as the owner of four 3 wts., and always looking for another, my preference for the fishing you are doing would be a 3 wt.

Larry Compton :smiley:

I fish many of the same situations that you mention here in Georgia and find that my four wt is my go-to outfit. I’d go with the four wt.

Jim Smith

Like Jim S. I fish many of the same situations you describe. I have a 9 ft 3 wt and a 9’9" 5 weight. The 3 weight has become my go to rod and I use the 5 weight now and then just so it won’t feel neglected :smiley: . If I had to chose between buying a 4 or a 5 weight for our type of fishing I would get the 4 weight.

Tim Anderson

4wt all the way!

RS3 is a great rod I have one in 7wt I love it