I have a boo rod which has two main sections and three tip sections, Also the handle is reversable to use as a fly rod or spinning rod .
The rod seems to be unfished although the wrappings on the Furrelsconecting the first and second section have came unwraped and the finish along the rod has chiped and or pealed in places.
Can anyone enlighten me as to who must have produced it and some idea of it’s value?
Bugman, Cant really see the ferrules, my guess would be Montague splitswitch. Since Ive gotten into this madness :lol: I have come to like Horrocks Ibbotson rods. To each his own. As far as value, the old saying comes into play. One mans junk is another mans treasure. Im not able to buy rods from the contemporary makers, so have researched the old production rods and keep my eyes out for the better grades. If you dont have Michael Sinclairs book, Bamboo restoration, its worth the money. My 2 cents
You rod may be a kit rod from Japan. A lot of these were brought into this country after the 2nd world war. If it is one it probably came in a wooden box, along with an assortment of flies some line a couple of bobbers and a few sinkers. with out seeing a real good close up it is hard to tell. Hope this helps. John
That would be a Japanese tomato stake rod. Like Bassman said, they usually came in a wooden box with all kinds of goodies. The average going rate is $50 and most people use them for display. I did have a guy come in and have me refinish one. It’s been back in twice since he keeps breaking the darn thing. Maybe it’s a good Boo rod for him.