please explain rod building to a newbie

I love the idea of building my own rod but I don’t even know what questions to ask to get started :?. If I were to build one it would probably be a 5 weight. I don’t even know what to look for to buy my own new fly rod if that helps you see how bewildering the thought of making one is :shock: (I love this smiley lol). Again I love the idea of making one and I really want to learn but I’m going to need lots of help.
Thanks for your patience with me :lol: .


Are there any other Montanans or Trekkies on this forum?
Lol there are probably more trekkies in the US the Montanans in Montana!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

get a rod building kit!

Check out Al Campbell’s tutorial on rod building in the features section here on FAOL
The finest instructions on the web
You will find all you need to know to get started

Also visit a library and look for books and videos. Find Jack Hise on this on this board. He did have some videos he was lending out library fashion. Not sure if he is still doing that. Check with your favorite store and see if they offer classes or can put you in touch with a local builder also has a wealth of information.

I built my first two rods over the last year. Just figured that if it could be done at a factory in China why not give it a try. My motivation is cost so what I do is find the blank that meets th requirment then source the hardware accordingly. I saved at least 50% over a completed factory job and that is conservative. Both rods exceeded performance expectations even though the wraps and finish have flaws but the beuty is if the imperfections eventually bug me I re-do th offending wraps.

  1. What they said
  2. Take your time
  3. Buy or build wrapping and drying fixtures
  4. Buy a cork reamer
  5. File on your guide feet