Howdy y’all!! AW is in the house and no more lurking!!! Boys I’m likin’ what I’m seein’ so far on this here site!! Next to fishing I love to talk about fishing and read about fishing and dream about fishing… but alas, I gotta work my real job so’s that I got the money to pay the bills and go fishin! You’ll find after getting to know me I’m just a laid back Texas boy that’s a hoot to hang out with!! Had one guy tell another that when he and I went fishin he must have raised the lake level by two feet from all the tears he cried from laughing so hard!!
And boys do I love to tie me up some jigs!!! Micro jigs to magnum jigs… I love to make 'em all. So I’m raising an ice cold one and saying “Cheers Y’all! Let’s go do some fishing!!”
Welcome from Western Washington State, In looking at your blog I was a little concerned when I saw all the spinning gear, but then I realized it must be your kids or grandkids or for decoration or somting.
Welcome aboard from sunny SoCal AW. I guess if you’ve been lurking around this site you know the Texas BBQ is on the newcomer. I like my brisket hot and spicey. Looking forward to your posts on the Warm Water forum. Jim
I read your initial post title (Please allow me to introduce myself) and right away I thought of the Rolling Stones. So, I’m wondering if you are a “Man of Wealth and Fame?” Sympathy for the devil on their Sticky Fingers album, 1969. That aside;
WELCOME BIG TIME from Eastern Washington.
Oh, and thanks for the memories.
Let me add another welcome from Washington State, at least over on the wet side. Just a couple quick notes. The new guy supplies the donuts, makes the coffee and splits the firewood until another noob signs on. Just sayin.
PS. I prefer chocolate covered old fashioned donuts. Go figure.
Here comes your first welcome from Ohio, home of the more serious folks on this board. We may not joke much or spread much “manure”, but you’ll appreciate our “no nonsense” approach to things. ;):roll:
Welcome to a “fun” community & a fantastic classroom!