Plastic Water Bottles

I wish our legislature had the “bravery”, “Guts” to put a redemption value on these things.
They are all over the roads and streets as folks don’t even try to reuse them.
From my reading you can probably do better by using a filter at home, cost and purity, and refill the bottle as Ladyfisher said.


Why not just get ‘some balls’ and fine citizens for littering?

Most people don’t realize that the big named bottled water comes from whatever municipal water system. There’s one big brand around here that’s Detroit tap water. No kidding.

The sooner they go to the bio-plastics, the better. The bio-plastics are made out of corn and are biodegradable. But then there is the corn crop shortage thing again. Oh, well.:rolleyes:

It’s a bad combination, people that throw their trash on the ground + water bottles. I find a lot of Gatorade bottles and Slurpee cups also. Plastic grocery sacks are a pain also.

In BC our highways used to be littered with broken glass and plastic. Now every drink container except dairy products are returnable. Now the highways and byways are clean from this huge mess.

Our city put in the most modern purification system there is . Still my wife made me put in a 7 stage water filtering system in our house. My TDS meter shows zero for “Total Dissolved Solids” the bottled water shows anywhere from 0 to 8 on the TDS readings. when I showed her this she finally agreed to use our tap water for drinking. You have to be very careful to change the filters on time.