Plastic lipped flys.

I tied up a few of these flys using a plastic lip. I tried them today and I had a hard time casting them. It felt like I was trying to cast a wet sock. It also started to helicopter on me. Just to much air resistance caused buy the lip. But what a great wobbling action when you are stripping it in. Has anyone tried this type of lip. If so did you have the same problems.


you could try moving the weight closer to the lip
or shortning the lip or make the angle not as steep it might help .
to kinda give you an idea of angle see the wigglebug patern.

I used to tie a deer-hair Rapala imitation with a lip made of monofilament and Duco cement. It was a killer pattern, but like you say, it cast like a wet sock. It seems to me that any fly with a lip like that has huge air resistance.

Just out of curiousity, since the fly is tied clouser style, does the lip point up in the water?