…hdtv’s. whats your choice and why???
I’ve researched this in the past, although technology has probably surpassed what my research was based on.
I think Plasmas look sharper, and are viewable from a wider angle…LCDs are catching up, however, and are (or were) just a bit cheaper. Originally plasmas had a tough time with “true black”, but some manufacturers have dealt with that issue satisfactorily already. I think both are great systems, and you really need to narrow down your choices based on size & features, and then look at the sets side-by-side.
I’ve been impressed with the quality of some of the projector TVs… the ones with a projector mounted on the ceiling behind you, or in some sort of “coffe table” in front of you. I’ve seen DVD movies projected onto 9’ wide walls/screens, that looked fantastic! The main issue there is, the room needs to be fairly dark (so…have good curtains?).
IMHO the first thing to consider is the type of room it will be in…is there glare, a lot of windows, reflections, light…in that case go with LCD.
LCD is overtaking Plasma.
Both plasma and lcd will eventually burn out. In DLP the bulb will burn out eventually and can be replaced. DLP sets can now be viewed from sharper angles than before. The point about the size and lighting of the room is great. If you have a room where you can sit about 8 feet or more away from the set or screen (wall, etc…) and the room is easily darkened then I would go with eigther DLP or Projection. Otherwise I would go plasma and then lcd. Regardless you should try to get one with an HDMI input/output. HDMI is the new interface for your future components like Blue Ray, DVD and so on…
Here is some info on HDMI:
This site from CNET might be of help:
Right now I have a three year old flat screen CRT (cathode ray tube or pictur tube) t.v. I am considering buying the family a new widescreen, HDTV, HDMI either plasma or DLP for Christmas. I saw a very nice Vizio 47 inch widescreen plasma, high definition surround sound, HDMI and high definition at Wal Mart for less than $1,000. I think it was $899. Beautiful, crisp and clear picture!
Note: I forgot to mention that my PC monitor is a widescreen, HD plasma. Nice monitor!
Nighthawk’s mention of Vizio is a good one. I’ve been told they are a good bang for the buck.
And of course HDMI is the way to go…also 1080p is now the standard…though I’m not sure the TV companies transmit that yet. One TV company I deal with doesn’t offer HDMI in their HD box…and another I use elsewhere does.
I tend to get my TV’s at Costco…if you can find a suitable model…prices tend to be better and their policies of return and support are good.
It used to be that if you wanted larger TV’s you had to go plasma but now LCD’s have caught up quite a bit in sizes offered.
Back when I first looked the DLP bulbs were said to go out relatively quickly [like three years] and were expensive to replace…may be different now but something to check on.
I have bought two Plasma HDMI 1086 TV’s in the past year and a half. A Samsung 19" for the bedroom and trailer. It cost in the upper $400. because of the HDMI I think. Not impressed with it at all. One of those you have to be dead on to get a good picture. Walk to the sides or up and down it goes black.
The second and more recently is a Panasonic 50". I have Satellite but have not gone to the HD receiver as of yet…wait till I have to due to the cost of the receiver. This is a very nice picture from every angle on this one. In fact at the store, I had my hubby and Father look down at the ground then look up quickly, then tell me which one you focus on…it was the Panasonic. Went with the 5 yr warranty of course.
One thing I wanted to mention, a news show I watched one night pointed out how much electricity TV’s draw specially in the OFF mode.
Be sure you have that “energy” sticker on your TV.
i do thank you for your responses but…
i understand about hdmi (almost everything from tv’s, dvd players, satellite boxes has it) and 1080p (720p still can hold its own). you can play a hdtv without using a hdmi cable. thats not what i was asking about.
i’m asking about plasma vs lcd vs dlp. which one is gonna be the best for fast motion sports, movies, nascar etc etc etc. which one has the fastet and best refesh rate to handle motion.
the 3 brands i’m looking at are panasonic, samsung and lg. all in the 46-50 in sizes.
i’ve seen the vizio brand against the 3 i mentioned and the vizio isnt even close to picture quality of the others. (store setup maybe, i dont know)
reflections/glare. are plasma tv’s glass screens like a window? are lcd screens matte finished like your flat screen computer monitor??
Here are links with info about Plasma & LCD TVs http://www.audioholics.com/education/display-formats-technology/display-technologies-guide-lcd-plasma-dlp-lcos-d-ila-crt/display-technologies-guide-lcd-plasma-dlp-lcos-d-ila-crt-page-3
I’m not sure if this link will work for you without being a member: http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/resources/images/video/BigScreenTvs/BigTVBuying.html
Consumer reports states that LCDs are lighter, brighter, have no burn in the screens and the glare is less.
Plasmas still have a blacker black and the viewing angle is less critical.
Have fun with your choices.
I will say that LCD is the better picture, or at least that is what my research showed, but, they are more expensive also.
I also found that LG has some fantastic features as they do in there appliances, BUT! the service to repair is terrible. That is in MY research,
The Panasonic I bought was in consumer report as the best bang for the buck.
The screen is a satin finish and the 50" sits in a well lit room with really no glares.
My sister bought a TV at Walmart for a song and a dance, in fact I was surprised how little she paid, considering I will be paying on mine for another 10 months. I don’t know why Walmart can sell them so cheap, but heay, to save a buck why not.
Overall, it is hard to beat the color rendering and black levels of Plasma. They also have the best overall viewing angles. If this is for you main TV, Plasma would probably be the best way to go. Panasonic or Pioneer are the only two brands I would recommend, and Costco usually has models from both brands.
LCD tech is catching up, but it’s not like Plasma tech is standing still. Burn-in on Plasma is almost a non-issue these days (esp. with the two brands listed) unless you leave a single image on the screen ALL the time, and burn-out isn’t anything to worry about any more (the screens last longer than CRTs).
By far the best place to do research on this subject is AVS Forum. There is WAAAAY more info there than you ever needed to know.
This one thread alone will likely answer your question.
Hope that helps! Good luck! Let us know what you decide, and maybe list other threads there you found useful.