Photos of your waters?

I thought the paddling section of the board could use a splash of color, so let’s post some photos of our favorite paddling water. Let’s all see what we’re missing by not being where everyone else is.

My favorites are the ones with lots of timber in the coves. We seem to have many places like that here, but I don’t have pictures of them all. Maybe I’ll get the camera out and start keeping track. Meanwhile, here’s one of mine…

I would post some pictures but am uncertain as to how.

The Duck River below Normandy Dam.



Labor Day Woods Bluff on the Duck River Several miles downstream of the dam.


Here’s a couple. Florida can be a beatiful place to kayak.

I’ll try to take some this weekend.

Semper Fi!

Early morning on the Elk River.

Some of the waters I fish downunder.


Watchhill, R.I.

A little of the action

Hello dudley, is that what is referred to as ‘cutting peanuts’ or a term similar to that? Can’t really tell for certain what I’m seeing but it reminds me of the smallies push chub minnows up to the surface in a big ball then ‘cut’ them up.



Even though that is a shot of striped bass on peanut bunker (immature menhaden)
I don’t believe you can see any of the bait fish in the picture.
That’s all stripers…commonly known as a blitz
It’s a far too violent affair to be called “cutting”
The noise from a large blitz can be deafening

Thanks dudley…that’s just awesome…I want this !



This is the Jacks River at the falls. Great Brown and Rainbow trout, as well as cat. 5+ rapids.

More Jacks River

Carters Lake at Sunset

People enjoying the Carters Lake Tailraces, where I catch striper, catfish and carp on my fly rod.

There are several dozen more great places all within 15 minutes of where I live. I’ll get some more pics soon.

Semper Fi!