
Last used this service Monday evening.

Since late Tuesday afternoon, every time I have tried to get onto Photobucket, I’ve been redirected to another website.

Wondering if anyone else is having this problem ??

I just tried to go to Photobucket, and it took me right to my albums. No problem. Sorry you are having trouble. John

No problems for me either. Best of luck with it, John!

Likewise, no problems. Try going in by a Google search, then just log in once the site comes up.

No problem here:confused:

No problem here either…

I’d try a reboot…seems to help many things…and if it is still that why I wonder if you’ve got a virus or whatever that directs you to a particular site???

sometimes websites need a little maintainence. be patient!!

have a backup site for just that reason!

Sometimes saved or My Favorite website addresses become corrupted and if you type the actual website address rather than using the drop down list of favorites, that may get you in. If it does then save that address as a favorite, using a slightly different name, then go back out and delete the old address.

Larry :smiley: —sagefisher—

You might try deleting your “cookies”, and then logging back into your account on Photobucket? This usually takes care of the problem for me when I have a situation like this.

Checked with my ISP while in Idaho Falls this morning. At their location, one computer would access photobucket and another one, just a few feet away, was automatically redirected to the website.

So they took my inquiry seriously. Turns out, this has been a “global” problem which is very recent. Their research indicated that the problem was quite widespread, but the effects were very random. Their opinion was that photobucket would be the one to fix it, and that it would be very short lived.

I just got back from town. Got access to photobucket on my first inquiry.

Sounds like Normand nailed it:D

I had a problem like that with them a few days back. Working fine now.

I couldn’t get to either of my photobucket pages last night, nor to the main page, but I got in OK tonight. Think they must have been hacked.


“WEIRD” to say the least!
Just reading your post, John here on the left coast, (6:50PM) and went to sign in on my bride’s computer in the front of the house. Got directed to a site that told me “Photobucket domain name is currently on hold, but bids are being taken”.
Came to the back of our house, to my own computer, 3 minutes later and signed right in to my Photobucket account no problems!!??!
Both, my wife and I have the site bookmarked so no changes were made. Who knows?

Paul -

When it first happened, I thought maybe I had worn out my welcome there ??!!

What happened at your place sounds like you spilled some of your meds on one computer and not the other ??!!


P.S. We are all overdue for a Sam and Gampa fix. Every day for the past week I’ve been thinking where we would have taken her, and remembering the experiences we didn’t get to have together. Hope she is doing okay with the change of plans. If you get the chance, tell her I was thinking of her at Pass Creek the other day. She can have the Lupine.

John, thank you, for thinking of my Sammy. I don’t want to hi-jack the thread, but there’s been no “Gampa and Sam fishing reports”, because she left with her family for their new home, in Michigan, on the 9th. I do, email Sam, almost daily and YOU BET that I’ll be sure to tell her “Uncle John asked about her and has been thinking about her”!!

Now…“Spilling meds, on my keyboard”… THAT could explain both the Photobucket weirdness AND the “crunching sound” coming from my keys lately? Thanks, for the tip!