Photobucket is a wonderful tool

My photobucket now allows 50 photo slide shows.

It is free.

If you can’t see the slideshow you need to load a flash player.

Click face of photo for slideshow.

This slide show is for all the people stuck at work today.



reputable company

easy to install

No words are necessary … but music would be wonderful!! What beautiful pictures, Len!!! Thank you!!

Stuck at work and no way to escape. The new CFO wants to excellerate the drafting of the Form 10-Q so that means I’ll be working late. Actually the slide show did help me escape for a while. Nice pictures, thanks.

How do you put a slideshow on here for people to see? Great show, by the way!

I take it they found all your old photos, then? Or was that someone else?

Len -

Nicely done. Neat variety of some great photos.

And quite a coincidence - I was just reading through the photobucket “help” section on how to do a slideshow since I have a number of photos that I haven’t used in posts but think some folks would enjoy.

Not quite clear on how to put one together and get it on FAOL. Don’t be surprised if you get another PM with a request for some help ??



Do you always do what the CFO tells you to do?
I bet he doesn’t want you to watch the pix either.
If the CFO saw these pix, he would grab his flyrod and say he had a business meeting. Then he would tell you that you had to work a 16 hour day, with no overtime, to finish the Q-10 crap!!
Would you work harder if he called it a Q-11? Maybe stay up all night if he called it a Q-15?

Great pics but the “effects” lose their effect after the first few photos.

Kickapoo River Valley
My homewater.

Len -

Since this thread is about photobucket as a tool, I don’t think the following is highjacking the thread.

Used a photobucket slideshow to send photos of some fly tying materials to a BB member who expressed interest in buying some “stuff.” The slideshow link was incorporated into a PM, which can be done just like you would do it for a thread on the BB. Sure beats trying to describe individual items.

Also, I hadn’t used the “bulk uploader” on photobucket before because I am usually picking and choosing pics to add to a thread or to a slideshow. This time, since I wanted all the pics from a single file on my PC uploaded, I used the bulk uploader. That is really slick !!

If the fellow who is interested in buying the materials declines the offer, I’ll be posting on the For Sale Forum, at least to show another “marketing” tool, for that Forum.


“Cherry pink, and Apple Blossom White”

-Nat “King” Cole

Gorgeous photos, Len. I always look forward to your posts.


This one was posted earlier, but it’s the Michigan Fish In 2007
and the second one is MI Fish In 2008.

Three different browns

What do you guys think of these kinda photos?

Original always better?

New toy why not use it?

Artsy I like it?

Really like them keep it up?

Orig for me. :slight_smile:
