Pflueger Medalist DA

Is it possible for a Pflueger Medalist with 1494 1/2 DA stamped on it …to have a 6 rivet spool?

I’m thinking not…maybe an older spool on the wrong reel frame??? Didn’t the 6 rivet spools precide the DA models?

Are they interchangeable?


The 6 rivet spools were on Medalists till 1961-62 when they switched to 3 rivet spools. The DA model came out in 1966.

But the spools are all interchangeable. Someone just put an older spool on your DA. It still works fine. Enjoy.


Richard in Plano TX


Can you answer a question in re the DA suffix on the Pflueger Model reels?

I was always of the opinion that DA stood for “Dual Action”, or either left or right hand retrieve. I have since been advised that DA was a Shakespeare/Pflueger
manufacturing code date.

Can you affirm which is correct?

Thank you.


Hello Bob,

Here is an excerpt from my Medalist history article:
The Enterprise Manufacturing Company officially changed its name to Pflueger. Shakespeare Tackle Company acquired Pflueger and manufactured the reels in Akron, Ohio, from 1966-69. The letters DA were added after the model numbers.”

[/b]The link to the article here on FAOL is:

RIchard in Plano TX

Can anyone tell me the significance of a “B” stamped on a reel foot?

Thanks for the info in the Medalist reels. I just picked one up in a garage sale along with
other tying materials. My 1495 1/2 DA reel seems to be of the 1950 era. It has an ivory
color spool latch cover with “PFLUEGER MEDALIST Made in USA” on it. The drag is a knurled
knob screw down type. (It could stop my pickup) The reel seat is a tapered kind, but the spool is a three rivet kind as is the extra spool. Both spools came with backing but no
line, so I couldn,t tell what weight it was set up for. The reel body is a full one inch wide.
It also has the square line guide, but on the wrong side, so it looks like a left hand set-up.

I am going to use it on the 9’ three pc. convertable HERTERS rod that I found in the corner of their garage all covered with dust and cobwebs. It will be my lake panfish rod. Oh, she
wanted a dollar for the rod, and It was a deal I just couldn’t turn down!

Thanks again for the info.


Crunchy, you make me want to go to garage sales:D:D:D;).