Pedestal vise base solution

For those of you who have a pedestal base for your vise and want more stability (like when tying deer hair flies) use a quick grip bar clamp. The one I use is a Craftman’s. Work great and not all that expensive. A C-Clamp would work as well. Just clamp down your base to a table.

This will never work. These clamps do not have anything to do with fly tying, AND they do not cost at least $100.00. No way this can work.

Great idea.

Harbor Freight has some as well, inexpensive and in a variety of sizes.

I’ll get a Craftsman clamp for about ten bucks, scotch tape an Orvis sticker to it and sell it to troutgeek for $139.95 plus S&H. How’s that for American ingenuity? Thanks for the heads up Tyronefly. Jimsnarocks

Make that a Renzetti sticker and it’s official! Has to match the vise you know…

Oh, now you’ve gone and done it. DO NOT link this with Renzetti! They’ve already trademarked “True Stability” and will set their legal pitbulls on you in a second if you mention the word “Stability” in an ad…

My vise came with both but i only ever use the base as it then allows me to move it around as i am a bit restrictive for space and to allow for taking photographs.

The guys that claim they are limited to stability of a pedestal mount when they tie hair bugs, or whatever, could help themselves a lot if they would limit these strenuous efforts to be done while pulling straight down.

orvis and renzetti would have a conniption if they knew that I had the kids in the metal shop at the HS I teach at whip a couple up for me out of scrap metal. I don’t know what the beef is, I have had no stability problems, no matter what I tie.

Put down the hawsers and step away from your vices! :wink:

What ever happened to using a little finesse when tying? If you are tying in bunches, rather than using a loop, start tying with tiny bunches of hair and fine thread. There is no need for Kevlar and cable to tie a deerhair bug. Smaller bunches will stay together better, require far less force to tye, pack tighter and look much better. Once you can tye with fine hair and small clumps the need for a table clamp will seem very funny.

Well, it does to me anyway!

If using a dubbing loop there is even less need for force… A little less hair in the loop, twist it a little tighter, lay it on very closely packed and it will need no white knuckles to stay together…

Also, all force should be directed down toward the base…

I agree with hap . . . . All I have ever had is a pedestal HMH. I tie deer hair flies and everything else. It does not take that much force really.