Pearsall Silk Colours & Alternatives

I have, recently noticed on various Bulletin Boards quite
a bit of confusion about the colours of Pearsall tying silk.
I then received a query from Mark Vendon about
the silk used on a fly called McCaskie’s Green Cat.
It became obvious that there is confusion about the
colour Orange and its various Pearsall manifestations.
Most fly recipes refer to Orange and Hot Orange,
and/or the appropriate number. I decided to have a look
at various sources, i.e. look up some books.
The first was Veniards “Fly Dressing Materials” 1977.
His list was as follows -
1 White, 6a Light Orange, 10 Ash, 15 Maroon,
2 Straw, 6b Sherry Spinner, 11 Golden Olive, 16 Olive,
3 Primrose, 7 Blue, 11a Scarlet, 17 Brown,
4 Light Yellow, 8 Purple, 12 Cardinal, 18 Green,
5 Yellow, 9 Black, 13 Crimson, 19 Hot Orange,
6 Amber, 9a Grey, 14 Claret, 20 Light Olive.

I then looked at Edmonds & Lee, whose list was -
No colour names but included a colour chart.

As can be seen from the above authors, #6a is always
refered to as Light Orange, also by Skues.
Many others just call it Orange.
Also some colours have not been available for many
years. I have found a new source of silks with a huge
range of shades in Seta Reale marketed in the U.K. by Coats.
Their colour charts and Pearsall can be found
on my front page at -

Does anybody sell this material in the US? I haven’t been able to find anything online.



Pearsall’s is available from most large fly tying supply shops (Bear Lodge Anglers on the sponsors page) in a good range of colors. Some colors such as straw and ash are a bit rare.

The other silks Donald mentions, I haven’t been able to find on this side of the pond. I have had a friend in the UK send me some samples of the Seta Reale and it’s a very nice silk to tie with. A bit larger than the Pearsall’s I’m used to, but still very nice.


I was recently told about YLI 100 silk, I have not used
it but it looks very promising. I think it a US product, there is
a manufacturers web-site. It gives colour charts with ref # only.
I found this supplier in the UK -

You’ll note that they give the shades names.
I’m sure with a little searching on Yahoo or Google, it would
be possible to find a supplier in the US.

Hi All;

I’ve been looking into YLI silk for that past few days, it’s available on ebay about $5.00 per 200 meter spool versus $3.50 per 30 meter spool of Pearsalls. The Yli spools fit a standard bobbin whereas Pearsalls smaller spools require midge bobbins.

Check out these flies tied with YLI silk:

Looks to be very similar to Pearsalls.


The problem with colors would be solved if Pearsall would make a chart and number the spools. I don’t know why they don’t.

First off, Thanks Wayne;)
And secondly YLI is made in Japan.
A good friend Greenwood ties the most beautiful Soft Hackles and he told me his secret is SILK.
That plus the old man is a rod builder and likes silk. We talked about how White silk disappears with no preserver added, so I started thinking this could be cool with different colored thread underneath. But the same effect can be done with flexi-floss, which there are some flies out there with that.


Don’t mean to hijack the thread, but those are a couple of mighty fine looking flies. Would really like to see them on FAOL, maybe as a FOTW, Huh, pretty please. Your idea of showing the fly dry and wet is a good one. Silk, waxed or unwaxed, looks different when wet and that needs to be planned for when using an underbody or colored hook.


Thank you so much Ree. I will do a tutorial and send it in. (I have been sending them to JC, do I still do that?)


Yup, as far as I know, that’s still the process.

By the way, I have a silver speckled hen CDL cape I will let go cheap. I just got it the other day, from Softhackler. Nice Whiting cape, not a feather mussed or missing. Couldn’t wait to tie with it. Did I mention I have an English Springer Spaniel Puppy? Did I neglect to say that he now poops CDL feathers? Yup, my bad, I left the cape where he could reach if he stood on his back feet (tippy toes) and really stretched his neck to get to it. My pretty CDL neck is in very small pieces, but I may be able to salvage a part of it.


Hi Fly Goddess;

I think the pleasure is all ours, those are some beautiful flies!

You should post your “Northern Lights” fly also, I really like that one!


On my desk here are samples of silks from Fish Hawk. I’m looking at them closely and see they are manufactured by YLI. Hmmmmmmm.

I was mostly interested in them for rod build threads, they’re 3/0, but my guess is that they’d compare to about a 70 denier nylon fly tying thread (more like a 6/0 nylon). If you’re into rod building, the 3/0 silk is almost exactly 1/2 diameter of “A” nylon.

I’ll have them listed on our web site within a month. I don’t know the price yet, but will try and sell it for less than $5.


A thread in silk is about a 50 weight and the 100 weight is 3/0

I am not familiar with your use of the term “weight.” Please explain. Thanks. Is it denier?


The best substitute that I have found for Pearsall’s Gossamer is Tire Machine Twist 50 weight. It’s basically the same and comes in 171 colors.
They also have Buttonhole twist of excellent quality. Here are some colors matches(very close but not exact) for Pearsall’s. The first number is for Pearsall’s and the names and second numbers for Tire thread.

3 Champaign 203
4 Honeysuckle 29
6A Mustard 74
6b Burnt Gold 8
10 Putty 25
11 Yellow Green 148

That is excellent Mr Bailey, two more brands of silk since, YLI & TIRE,
I started this thread. It is a real incentive to get me tying again.
I can get YLI here in the UK, but have only found TIRE on US sites.
I may just have to help the US export statistics.
And why not??

By the way, I have a silver speckled hen CDL cape I will let go cheap. I just got it the other day, from Softhackler. Nice Whiting cape, not a feather mussed or missing. Couldn’t wait to tie with it. Did I mention I have an English Springer Spaniel Puppy? Did I neglect to say that he now poops CDL feathers? Yup, my bad, I left the cape where he could reach if he stood on his back feet (tippy toes) and really stretched his neck to get to it. My pretty CDL neck is in very small pieces, but I may be able to salvage a part of it.


Well Ree I have to ask (but I may be able to salvage)—from which end of the pup–Front or rear.


FlyGoddess: Those are pretty flies.

Is there any validity to my post about Pearsall’s numbering their spools to go along with their color chart or is that a less than smart idea? I don’t see colors real well and that would certainly help me.

I think I’ll try some of that Tire Silk.

lastchance, first off thank you very much!
I have several of the Pearsall’s silk. The little spools. I have to sqeeze the heck out of my bobbin:D
There is no number or color reference on them.
I also have K.N.K made in China, but for the buck I really like the YLI. It is fabulous.

I am luck so far that the posted color charts are pretty accurate. The ones I have order because of the chart have been dead on. The Green and the Yellow was a concern because there were so many choices.
As far as fly tying goes, just remember, what color thread you put underneath will effect the DRY color. I won’t coat my finished flies, but if you do, you will end up with the wet fly color.
Now I wonder…If I cover a hook with BLUE thread, then top with YELLOW SILK, will I get a nice GREEN when wet…OFF TO THE TYING STATION!!!


I think I can salvage those that are still on the skin he ripped apart. Those that show up at the south end of a north bound dog I leave to nature.

Our two cats have never touched a feather on our tying benches over all the years we’ve had them (one is 16 the other is 13). You’d think they might snag a few to get even for all the dubbing they provide, but no.

Our old dog, in 15 years, never touched any fly tying or drum making stuff.

Ghillie, the pup, has done the deed with only 6 months in the house.