I read a while back what a good pattern this was / is but hardly ever hear anyone mention tying or using it. I found a video with Hans Weilmann tying one that is quite good.
That’s a neat pattern and great video; it would be a pleasure to watch Hans tie String Things. Tried tying it a few times but never got the pt legs quite right.
Never heard of it, but sure like it. Yes, getting PT legs correct on most flies can cause a few bad words to come out.
I hesitate to say I have mastered the technique but I find taking the tips of the PT fibers in an electrical clip makes tying a knot in them fairly doable with no foul language. Of course John, I remember my mother raised me to be a gentleman and you required an act of Congress.
Speaking of Mothers. Remember to go see her or call her if she is still with you. I lost mine two years ago at the age of 92. She was the first one to take me fishing on Sabougla bottom in north central Mississippi. The creek had been channelized and was called “The Canal” it runs into what is general acknowledged as the best crappie lake in the country, Grenada Lake.
At MY peril, speaking for John AGAIN, UJ, the ONLY thing that whizzed over your head is that, Congress only put their IMPRIMATUR ( look it up) on what John’s mother had already bestowed upon his character. Other than THAT, Happy Mom’s Day to ALL MOMS.
Latch hook tool makes it very easy to tie PT barbs for bug legs. The trick is leaving the barbs ON the feather shaft while tying. It gives you something to pull against and makes putting the knot EXACTLY where you want it easy. The link is only the cheapest I could find, probably not the best.
I](https://www.wish.com/product/58a184923620106c8d1c6509?hide_login_modal=true&from_ad=goog_shopping&_display_country_code=US&_force_currency_code=USD&pid=googleadwords_int&c={campaignId}&ad_cid=58a184923620106c8d1c6509&ad_cc=US&ad_curr=USD&ad_price=0.93&campaign_id=7203534630&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2bf_gNGn6QIVJBh9Ch0KZgFqEAQYBCABEgJ97vD_BwE&share=web)t is also the right tool for tying the Shorb knot on furled leaders.
Thought a bit more explanation might help on tying the knots…
Do not have time right now to do photos, but I made a living writing, so let’s see if I have lost my fast ball!
Start with the Pheasant tail feather lying flat at the edge of your work surface with the feather tip to your left (rightie directions) to start. I usually tie knots in a complete feather all at once. It saves time finding the latch hook!
Select two adjacent barbs and pull them straight up and push then toward you at the base. When you release them they will probably return to about half-mast.
Gently roll the barbs back and forth between your finger tips as a pair. Lay the hook shaft along the right side and parallel to the barbs with the hook point to the left. It should be something like perpendicular to the feather shaft.
Wrap the barbs around the hook shaft and back around the near side of the barbs. I always wrap over the top, but either way works, but do all of them the same.
Hook the barb ends inside the latch, but keep them pinched in your finger tips.
Pull the latch hook toward you and pull the ends gently as you do so. Once the latch hook is inside the loop and the barb ends are pulled against the loop you can release them and pull the loop over the tips. Unhook the latch hook and insert a bodkin in the loop.
Pinch the barb tips again and gently tighten the loop. Use the bodkin to position the knot exactly where you want it. If a barb gets wonky it is easy to pull the errant barb back to match the other. Gently rolling them together, back and forth, as you tighten the knot makes every one look exactly the same.
The reason you want to tie the knots all the same is they will match perfectly with the matching barb pair from the other side of the feather. It also will help speed your knot tying by always doing it the same way.
The length of the barbs beyond the knot is critical to match the size of the fly. When tying hoppers I tie the base in and adjust it to about a 3:5 ratio, which is what real hoppers have. Because of that I make them different sizes and tie them in sets for a run of flies. I made a card template many years ago to use to get the lengths right and consistent. I have not seen the card in years… but if you are hesitant it would be easy to tie some hoppers you like and mark up a card.
Hope this helps.
Knowing about where John is from and having swapped several commos with him, I have no doubt his Mama raised him a gentleman. But, as a old retired NCO I have to yank on his chain a little bit, even though I was a weekend warrior and never saw a round fired in combat. My remark was in jest, not intended to be belittling in any way.
I took it as such Jesse. Yes, my Mom was a great and hard working women who I own allot to. Unfortunately, she is no longer with us. God Bless her soul! But now I have a wife and two beautiful daughters who are very much like her. Happy Mothers Day to all who are still with you.