Not sure if this should be here or on the fly tieing board but here goes.
I am heading to western Montana this spring (May 4-12). I will be in the Big Sky area, Madison, Gallitan and Yellowstone. Any suggestions for patterns that I will need? I have all winter here in Mn to get at the tying table so thought this would be a good use of my time.
Well, if you are lucky and miss runoff, the fishing could be good. Mother’s day caddis and all that. Take along your standards. BWO and PMD patterns, caddis in gray and tan, 14-16, soft hackles, pheasant tail or hare’s ear nymphs, and some big stonefly nymphs. I suggest calling ahead a week or so in advance to the local shops and asking about conditions and what is working.
Here is at least one web site
devoted to the West but if you Google you can find a ton of fly shops in the exact area you aregoing and they all offer fairly extensive hatch and pattern charts and info.
Don’t forget Hoppers … even if you don’t see real Hoppers in the air, you will have fish smash them if you drift them TIGHT TO THE BANK.
I hope you are aware that Yellowstone Park fishing general regulations do not open the season until the last Saturday in May and that is when the run-off gets going pretty good? :lol:
Keep your fingers crossed as far as runoff goes. It could be prime fishing! I really should keep a journal, but if memory serves me right, the Mother’s Day caddis hatch on the lower Madison (below Ennis lake/Bear Trap Canyon - closest to Bozeman) doesn’t really get going well until after your visit. But those dates are usually very good here on the Yellowstone (Big Timber to Gardiner - the hatch moves upstream of course - although the river flows north). Like the Salmon Fly hatch, it can be a PITA to hit it right (including the runoff factor with both hatches - water levels, change in water levels, and clarity - don’t really want clear water).
I don’t think the Gallatin has much of a MD Caddis hatch, if at all.
Now, I think you may be better off on the Upper Madison when you are here (West Yellowstone through Varney Bride and beyond). I believe the stretch below Hebgen lake will be open and fishing above that creek that always mucks it up (I forget it’s name). I am Not talking about the MD hatch for that stretch.
I’ve never made the trip to fish it on that stretch of the Madison as I have the hatch out my front door. But give Blue Ribbon Flies (West Yellowstone a call before you leave). If you send me a Private E-mail with your address I will see if I can dig up their reports from last year.
As far as flies for the MDC hatch, depending on what stage and how crazy it is, you really don’t have to match the hatch - especially with dries. Most important is something that you can see. I often fish nothing but Trudes and Wulffs and Elk Hair Caddis. But quite often I do have to match the hatch and some flush floating caddis adult (like an X-Caddis or CDS caddis) can really help. Otherwise, swinging various soft hackles or beadheads or just dropping them off something you can see works too.
I have to admit I have not done well here on the Yellowstone or Lower Madison the last couple of years. Like I said, it is a hard hatch to catch right (I hope you see it as somedays the bugs literally canvis the water and you will get them crawling down your shirt, into your ears, …). Too many bugs, the fish are all full already and even the whitefish won’t bite
Early May is likely to be very iffy. Having lived in and fished Montana for over 30 years the first week in May is not prime time. Yes it is possible to hit the rivers before runoff, but 9 years out of 10 the rivers will be unfishable. At best I would say that you might get a day or two if the weather cooperates. You might find some clear water in the upper Madison between Hebgen and Quake Lake but if Cabin Creek is dumping in mud you will be limited to a small section between the creek mouth and the dam. If this is the only clear water around be prepared to share the water with lots of other eager anglers.
The spring creek will be clear but make certain that you have reservations. They could offer some caddis and Baetis fishing, and there is always the Big Horn.
If I had an option I would either come earlier - April - or wait until after runoff - mid June to early July. If your schedule is flexible it would be best to contact one of the many local fly shops and be prepared to head west at when they say the fishing is available.
If Things are blowen out you might think about going up to the Missouri to fish. It may be high but it will be clear. Just an idea in case. You can also look at some of the lakes for the same reason. The upper Madison should also be clear if run off is on. You could also look to the Henry’s Fork in Idaho. Not to far to drive at all. Just a few ideas in case you hit run off. Ron
Again a huge THANKSto all who have posted.
I am going with a friend who has a place @ Big Sky, he is taking care of the arrangements. We will be fishing with the Grossenbachers sp. He has fished with them in the past and is confident they will put us on fish.
This is my first trip to Mt and regardless of fish I am sure it will be a memorable experience. Even if things are “blown out” on the major rivers, it sounds like we will find plenty of opportunies to fish.
Thanks again,
Even now, I would figure out exactly which rivers and exactly when, then I would write to Bob Jacklyin (he is the oldest and by far the best)fly shop in West Yellowstone. Ask him to send you one of each fly needed for all the places. Use them to tie from. That is what I would do.