I have been getting a little office fever around here and just wanted to see some fish porn. Just wanted to see your favorite warm water fish pics. Man Ican not wait to get into the float tube again this spring.
Here’s 2…
I can’t wait either! Neither can Granddaughter Tori…She asks EVERY time it even hints at warming up.
Awesome Bluegill. I’ve got some bad cabin fever up here in Chicago. Can’t wait until the ice melts.
nice gill !!!
Ok here are a few of mine the one from the tube is not the greatest picture and not the bigget fish, but it was caught while float tubing and that is for me the best part of it, just plan fishing
the others are my kids and there first fish uh the memories :rolleyes:
I didn’t know that cichlids were panfish!!
Ooops. Yeah, I got a little carried away. The title of the thread is “panfish pics”, but the first post says “warmwater fish pics”, so I threw in pictures of warmwater species, whether they are “panfish” or not. :rolleyes:
All fish porn is good!
And that’s a colorful fish you’ve got there! Is that a hybrid sunfish? Or maybe a Pumpkinseed? Good fish!
Quite possibly the largest green sunny I have ever caught :rolleyes:
Hey! I have caught a green sun fish before. I kept it in my aquarium for about a year before I moved to NC. The fish would take food out of my hand. Very neat fish!
The other sunfish I posted was a pumpkinseed.
I’ve only been fly fishing for about 3 months, and I’m jonesing for open water to get here!
here is one of my first gills on the fly. I’m really hoping to get a Master Angler gill on the fly this year.
Hey, Alex
Good to see you over here on FAOL! Nice Gill pic!
Don (vrentropy)
This is my largest green sunfish that I caught on Table Rock Lake right before IKE blew in last September.
FishinDave - I know it ain’t Heaven, but I’m hoping those Cichlids and that Peacock were not caught in IOWA.
Heaven…Iowa…the two are easily confused! :p:rolleyes:
I WISH those species could survive this far north…they’d provide some interesting diversity here for fly-fishing!
I caught those “exotics” last Spring when I fly-fished in Florida with “BonefishWhisperer”. It was REALLY fun!
Had a really nice Peacock Bass on the line 3 times over the 3 days…I just couldn’t keep it hooked! Saw a decent Jaguar Cichlid that just would NOT hit. Also saw some bigger tilapia, snook, jacks, largemouth bass, redear sunfish…and plecostomus are EVERYWHERE! And a 'gator, big iguanas, etc…
Florida is exactly like Iowa, except completely different.