PALE MORNING DUNS - Eye of the guide - July 26, 2010


The angler who wishes to fish the spring creeks with a reasonable margin of success must consider the use of nymphs. Now hold on, we know that there are those of you who just won’t use nymphs for any reason. That’s OK!! To each his own.*

Excellent reading! Thanks much for all 3 sections. very interesting article.

I finally got around to reading the Pale Morning Series. Wow!, so much great information, in the first three parts, I can only wait for next Monday to roll around to see how it all ends.

I know that with repeated reading of this 4 Part Series, I will be able to use the knowledge from these article, for improving my fishing on other waters, beside spring fed streams! ~Parnelli

Absolutely one of the best articles I’ve ever read. Thanks for sharing.
My favorite water is a local spring creek, and I’ve devised a method of fishing nymphs and such by using a Parasol Emerger type fly as the indicator and dropping a bead-head nymph (usually a flashback Pheasant-tail) and then dropping a scud or smaller mayfly nymph, unweighted below the larger nymph. The fish don’t seem to spook at the site of this type of indicator and often I catch fish feeding on the surface on the parasol fly.
Once again, thanks for the excellent article; it has given me some new ideas and strategies for fishing the PMD’s on this spring creek that I haven’t thought about previously.
