How can oxidation be cleaned from a spool of gold tinsel.
Interesting question! I don’t have an answer, but maybe some additional questions…
Gold wire would be an easier answer, since it is metal.
Isn’t gold tinsel made of mylar? And the “gold” is some sort of paint/pigment applied to the mylar? Just my guess, but it would probably be cheaper/easier to buy a new spool of tinsel.
Sorry…I’m sure that isn’t the answer you’re looking for…
If the tinsel is oxidized it is probably unvarnished metal not Mylar, in which case metal polish like Brasso or Mass will work but is hardly worth the effort IMHO.
Even though I use a lot of Mylar tinsel I still like metal for certain flies. I also like oval tinsel which isn’t available in Mylar to my knowledge. So last year I ditched all of my old unvarnished metal tinsel and bought Lagartun tinsel which is metal but varnished. Lagartun varnished tinsel and wire along with varnished Ultra Wire has ended my oxidation problems.
Unless the tinsel is gold color itself and not painted any thing you do to clean will leave it discolored so it probably not worth the time or money to clean it.
This is one of the many situations that doesn’t make me long for the “good ol days.” Old metallic tinsel would routinely tarnish as it sat on the spool or card. Certain bug killers would greatly increase the speed of this tarnishing. Before you used any of the old tinsel on a fly, you had to give it a light coating of fly head cement to slow the oxidation process caused by water and air. That light coating only worked to a point and the the greens and other forms of oxidation began to form and eventually made the fly look terrible unless you like the well-oxidized look. I really wouldn’t bother trying to restore your tinsel, it will eventually tarnish and ruin your fly. Get some of the new stuff with a bond surface film or try some new mylar. Just my 2% of a dollar. I’m sure some old tinsel junkies will disagree. 8T
Isn’t ‘Tinsel’ metal and ‘Mylar’ plastic?
I ain’t a tinsel junkie, but some have called me old… mostly whuppersnappers…
and whatta they know…???
I have pulled tinsel through a soft cloth soaked in white vinegar before to restore the shine. Mylar is easier, I think, and I haven’t had any discolor yet…ModocDan
This is / was good French tinsel. thank you all for your response. I will try the vineger. If you receve flies from a swap that smell like vineger sorry.