otter nymph

looking for pics, and/or recipe


I just looked in my Umpqua second edition Fly Patterns and… NO OTTER Nymph!! :frowning:
I think the Otter Nymph is very simple.
Partridge- Throat
If your interested in a LOW mileage Muskrat Nymph, then I can help you!

Try this:

Otter Nymph
Hook: Mustad 3906b or 9671; sizes 8 to 14
Thread: Tan (olive if weigthed)
Tail: Few short strands of brown grouse hackle
Body: Rough dubbed otter fur (or light tan dubbing)
Legs: Brown grouse hackle bunch, tied in a beard style
Head: Tan (thread)
Can be weighted (for river fishing), but not necessay; Can be fish near the surface or deep.

Here is a picture of an Otter Nymph to go along with the pattern I sent earlier: … Nymph.html


I’m probably wrong, but I thought otter fur floats a lot?? I use it for some of my emerger patterns.

Ted Trueblood’s Otter Shrimp is a classic nymph designed to be fished as a scud and was originally dubbed with a blend of otter and cream seal fur.
Angora goat or a cream colored synthetic are the modern substitutes for the seal fur.
The tail and legs were tan partridge.
The original was dubbed much thinner than in the picture above.

Ted Trueblood was the fishing editor for Field and Stream in the 40’s and 50’s. He designed the Otter Shrimp to be the right color and translucency but without other specific details that would alert the trout to a fraud.
His intent was a fly that suggests food rather than imitates it