OT Testing

My daughter turns 13 soon.

She has already told me she plans on dating soon.

I told her to let me know when she plans on starting because her prospective dates will be required to take care of some business for me.


I plan on going on the first 3 dates and during those dates i will tell the potential octopus that i am a retired cop and the real* reason i retired early was because of unstable mental status…and… i still have my guns.

Just don’t let her date anybody who isn’t wearing waders…


I do not have any girls but my brothers sure do. They all swear by the Remington, a.k.a. 12 gauge method of screening dates. Have them arrive early. Bring them into the living room for a real man to man chat as you are oiling up the 12 gauge.:smiley:

and keeps them on…

I raised two girls and what a pain it was. Some day you will lookback and laugh about it all.:stuck_out_tongue:

Talk to Skeet. He seems protective of his daughter, for some reason.

When I went to pick up my high school girlfriend for our first date, her dad met me at the door. In uniform. Pistol on his hip. 5’7", 200#, solid muscle. Nice guy but it certainly startled me. Nice of her to mention those few salient facts before I showed. Sigh.

I met my daughter’s first date at the door with a ball bat. Promised to smash his knees if he was not a perfect gentelman. Perhaps the sign by the back door that read " If you are cought here, and you don’t belong here, you will be here, when the coroner gets here." might have had some influance too.


I raised four daughters, hence I earned each gray hair in my beard. Fairly early on I discovered the gun cleaning routine really does work. On our first meeting I’d usually casually ask if they knew what I called dates that my daughters thought acted in an ungentlemanly manner. The typical response was “No sir” (which went over much better than " uh… no, uh…whach ya call em?") and I casually reply, “Targets, moving targets.” :mrgreen:

I don’t recall any having any problems. The youngest is now 23 and out of college so I’m breathing easier these days.


I’ve 2 daughters, 18 & 20 now. They do grow up fast. I used to invite their dates in and talk with them in the dining room . . . while I cleaned my guns! (I doubt it helped much.)


Yep…it works. I my case it was a M-1. Something about that bolt slamming shut that does the trick.


Gentlemen et al,
There IS another way to look at this situation. I speak from experience here. The boy your daughter chooses as her date reflects more on HER choice than HIS shortcomings. If you brought her up RIGHT ( as the twig is bent so will grow the oak), chances are she will choose wisely and you can holster the cannon. I ,myself, had the cannon on the ready, should my theory have been proven wrong:). BUT all that was 35+years ago and all (3)are happily married and producing offspring(7) that are a joy to me and my wife.



When the girlfriends come over to visit one of my son’s, I make sure I’m cleaning my Kimber 1911 at the kitchen table. The girls tend to be more respectful that way.

As hormones run around in our teenagers, don’t assume it’s always the guy you need to watch out for.

Hey Mark,
Somehow I believe that you are one father that I would never want to cross.:wink:

One other thing that might work. Make certain he is wearing waders and you fill them with ice water! That will send some things into hiding!:shock::lol:

I suspect the ice water is a very good idea, and after reading this thread and giving it some thought, I am glad all I have is a boy. :slight_smile:


I am glad to here I am not the only one who is cleaning a gun at the kitchen table when my daughters first boy friend showed up:-( The Mrs kept telling me to not make a big deal out of it as she may find someone worse to drive me nuts. Now she is away at college.


If i ever have a girl im going to use this method! I have two sisters and super protective over them, cant imagine if i had a daughter. That cracks me up thanks:-)

My best buddy swears this happened; suburb of Detroit, Michigan, about 1970. He was cleaning his pump shot gun in the living of a small house. Some reps from the Jehovah’s Witness came to the front door which opened directly into his living room. His wife answered the door. They started to step in, only to face him, sitting on a footstool facing them with the shot gun pointed mostly in their direction. They hastily exited. Very hastily. :slight_smile:

I raised two boys and believe its every father’s responsibility to teach his sons to treat girls/women with respect. Of course the foremost way of doing that is for you yourself to treat all women with respect, especially your wife. I called them out any time I heard them speaking disrespectfully about any girls they knew. I never let them get away with calling girls tramps, whores , sluts. etc. If young men are taught properly then young women’s fathers won’t have to threaten or intimidate their daughter’s dates

I love this thread. I am scared to death of having a daughter and I am glad to hear that I am not the only one who plans to do/ has done this.

I was always raised to treat women the way I would want someone to treat my daughter and that has included a very respectful fear of fathers. I feel this gives me the right to put the fear of the father in young men when I become a father.

Constantly cleaning your pump shotgun and sharpening a big hunting knife do seem to make a positive statement. Something about the sound of a slide coming home gets your attention, and the soft whisper of a steel blade pushed along a good stone is good for the more enlightened.

My baby girl (27 years old) called me yesterday, a former student at the school where she works at taken her to a range and let her burn some rounds in a Colt Model 1911. She thought it was about the most fun ever. She’s the brave one in the family, hates heights but did a tandem skydive a few years back.