orvis power matrix?

My local fly shop has these $395 rods marked down to $250, “tip flex”. I have been watching ebay hoping to pick up a Sage Launch in a 6wt (I have a 4wt I really like). Anybody have experience with these rods? I have heard Orvis stuff is kinda easy to break, course there is a 25yr warrenty. They have the clearwater $30 - $50 bucks off also, but the fly shop guy seemed to like the power matrix…

I have a 9wt version of this rod. I’m not the best flycaster in the world, but it casts nicely for me the few times I’ve used it on windy days while warm water fishing.

If it helps, I picked my rod up in a silent auction last fall for $100.

I have both the power matrix and clearwater fly rods. I’m inclined to think the clearwater is the better rod especially considering the price difference.

I have a 6 wt. Power Matrix. I like it. It was my go to rod for bass and even trout until I got my Zero G.

Well, I pulled the trigger on a 6wt power matrix, $250 too good a deal to pass up. They are being d/c, a new version is coming out this spring. I have lawn cast it and with a SA “trout” 6wt line and I was pretty blown away. I was afraid the tip flex would be too “broomstick”, but it’s not. I think the mid flex would be too whippy for my taste. I will withhold final judgement til it catches fish. They will ship for free if $50 purchase, if anyone is interested pm me. I dont want to post the website since they are not sponsors. Administrators, if I am in violation here, please delete this post and accept my appolgies.