I would like to know if there are any favorite steelhead patterns out there. I am recovering from knee surgery and will miss what was supposed to be my first season since I am new to fly fishing. For some reason I took to fly tying very quickly and really enjoy it. I can now sit at my bench without a lot of discomfort and steelhead patterns are something I have not tried yet. This I see as a good form of therapy. Thank You for any info
You will get a lot of suggestions…I would suggest checking Kaufmann’s website and also sending for their catalog…
I don’t fish the middle much, but on the upper… eggs and legs is the theory. Otis bugs/Agent Orange, glo bugs, Glue eggs and Ice nymphs all have a spot in my box. You picked a great year for surgery… the run is pretty bleak for fall fish this year. If you heal up for the winter run, I’ve had luck with purple and black. I don’t swing much so I can’t really help you with the classic swinging flies.
Good luck and speedy recovery.
Go to: http://www.westfly.com/cgi-bin/entryPage?state=OR
On the top left of the page the words West Fly will appear. Below that there is the word patterns. Click on the patterns and you will get some flies used by the NW angling crowd.
these are all of my favorites in my steelhead box http://flyfishnw.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=7&Itemid=1
Very good idea on the March Brown Soft Hackle Hot Spot! Thanks for the Link!