Opening up my previous topic for suggestions on a reel

I am going to buy a 3wt Sage FLi and want a light weight reel to go with it. Most of my reels are from Abel and had the TR series not been discontinued it would have been my choice. The Abel Creek replacement is more $ then I want to spend. Most of the manufacturers I have been looking at make drag systems that are overkill for a 3wt in my opinion and as such are a bit pricey for my needs. Suggestions on a reel would be greatly appreciated. Trying to keep it at no more than $150. … ?ProdID=28



I have used Orvis Battenkills for a dozen years on my 2-4 weights and they have been solid. Also Ross Cimarron C1. I have examined the reel that JC linked to and was impressed. Temple Fork TFO #1 is a nice light click pawl reels too.

:smiley: I use a Ross Colorado on my 4 wt, only click drag, about $50

Thanks for the suggestions. :smiley: I’ll be going to Orvis and other ff stores to give them a look-see this week.

Orvis Battenkill BBS II for $98.00. I have 3 of them and they are very lightweight.


Maybe one step up and get a CFO. A solid reel that will last a lifetime.

second the cfo.
cabelas has many.
sage 1800 series.
ross cimarron
g.loomis venture
pflueger trion.
orvis battenkill barstock THE ONE I WOULD GET.
all i cant think of for under your price range. plenty of choices though.

I’ll second, now it seems like third, the Orvis Battenkill Barstock. I have one and it is light weight with excellent tolerances. The drag is the way I like them; strong and adjustable. I think it’s a great reel for less than $100. I may buy another just to look at.

I have the Sage VT2 in a 3wt and use the Elkhorn T-1, it’s $119 for the close-out in the 2/3/4 wt. It is a jewel. I just bought a TFO Pro series 3wt. for my nephew and got the Orvis Battenkil Bar Stock (BBSII) and it is the lightest reel I know of and was $99.

I used to think that a drag was secondary and all a reel did was hold line. I am now fishing for Carp with my 3wt. and I need a great drag. Personally, I would go with the Elkhorn, because it is built like a fine watch, but you can’t go wrong with the BBSII.

Thanks again for your responses and insights. I hope to hit the Orvis shop tonight on my way home from work to look at the BBS II. I wish Elkhorn sold through dealers (correct me if I am wrong) so I can look at one as well. The lightweight feature of the BBS II is temping, but the cork drag of the Elkhorn is just as temping. The price point of the two are within the range I want to spend on a reel. Decisions… decisions. :lol:

I saw this reel at a sports show in Idaho. Vosseler reels. German built and impressive. … errc3l.htm