To personally make welcome even more fly anglers who possess the skills to write stories that bring freshness and variety to the Warm Water column, I am stepping aside as a features contributor.
Ladyfisher and Castwell created and have constantly improved this outstanding website. I want to thank them for publishing so many of my fishing stories over the last four years. Writing for Fly Anglers Online is more than a ton of fun; for me it?s been a privilege and an honor.
Me and Old Reliable will keep hanging out in this Bulletin Board from time to time. So many tidbits of knowledge and enlightenment swirl through here, like a stream eddy gets filled by a midge hatch.
Thanks for all the stories that you have contributed. I always enjoyed “standing” next to you on the bank or “sitting” with you for a while in the canoe. I for one will miss that.
Please don’t be a stranger to the boards, and keep us posted on the continuing adventures of “Old Reliable”.
Joe, I have enjoyed reading your stories this past year since I have been lurking around FAOL. Don’t throw your pencil away. You have a lot of talent and I for one look forward to reading your adventures from time to time. Jim