One more.....

…prayer request.

I don’t do this often but.

My brother, Dave, has been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. It is non-treatable. I ask for prayers for him and his family.

Thank you.

Kerry my most sincere prayers for a miracle for your brother. I’ll keep he & his family in my prayers tonight. How old is he if you don’t mind my asking?


Prayers are on there way!!!

I will include your brother in my prayers. Don’t give up hope.

Oh, Kerry. My heart just dropped when I read your post. I’m so sorry. Prayers will certainly be lifted for your brother, his family and you. Hugs.

Prayers from Livingston Montana as well - we keep an active prayer list for our FAOL folks, everyone can use a little help from time to time.
So sorry Kerry, I know you want to do everything you can for him as well.

I will include Dave, his family and you and your family in my prayers. Best Regards…

Kerry, they are added to the list here in Wyoming.

Kerry, your brother, his family will be in my prayers.


I add my prayers to those offered . Even in “hopeless” there is a word, “hope”.


Your Brother, you, & all other loved ones are in my Prayers.
God Bless,

My prayers as well added, my Step Dad too needs prayers, I will say hopelessness is not always hopeless, my mother inlaw was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer 4 years ago, the first Dr. said there was nothing they could do, the cancer treatment center told her they would at least a temp some treatment, I saw the X-ray’s, if i hadn’t I don’t know if I would have believed it , if you had seen the x-rays or pictures from the camera or whatever you call it, you would have agreed with the Dr’s not even beeing one yourself. All would say she shouldn’t be here, 4 years later, she is more than just here, but has no Sign of the cancer what so ever… I guess we are not the final authority .

God Bless

They are all in my prayers


Prayers from Havre sent.


Thank you everyone for your prayers.

Dave passed away this afternoon surrounded by family and friends. His passing was quiet with little suffering. Dave will be missed tremendously by many.

Blessing and peace to you and your family Kerry. I know how it has hurt to lose some close friends but not a brother. May God be with you.

My prayers of Hope and the gift of Gods love are offered!

Just saw this Kerry. You bet we’ll pray for your brother. Also prayers going out for you and your family. Jim

Kerry I’m so sorry to hear that he passed. May God help see your family through this very trying time. You and your family are in my thoughts & prayers.


I’m really sorry I missed this thread. Kerry, my prayers are for Dave’s family and you and your family as well. It hurts me that I didn’t see this posting before now.