I got a Shakespeare Wonderod in a trade. The cork is in good shape, the guides were all messed up. I removed them, and I also noticed that the ferrule on the butt section is crooked. I wanted to remove it and reinstall it straight.
My problem is that I can’t figure out how to remove it. What would be the best way?
Also what would be the best way to remove the old finish that is stuck to the blank?
little heat will remove the ferrule. As far as the finish I would sand it with some light sandpaper such as 1500 or 3000 grit just till smooth and then add the new finish back on it.
Remove them same as you did the ferrule…I have taken a few old ones off…hot water should do i t…the glue is usually pretty brittle around the handles/cork.
You’ll probably have to strip the cork off with a pliers, just grab and twist after heating, it’ll crumble off leaving the epoxyy residue behind.