Old Fly Fishing calendars

Hi there,

What do you do with old fly fishing calendars? I have a number of them from previous years (like 15, sheesh do they pile up). They just hang on the wall in my office at work and then get flipped the next month, I don’t write on them, just use them as decoration in my office and to know what day it is :D. They all have beautiful pictures in them and I hate to throw them out. Anyone have suggestions?


I give mine to my kids who end up using them for a variety of school or other projects. If you don’t have kids check with your local school or library. They might have a project or kid or two who could put them to work.

Wrapping paper

I currently have 4 of them hanging in my office. I enjoy the pictures on them very much and I enjoy driving anyone who visits my office nuts.

What I do is every month, I find a corresponding month that has the 1st on the correct day of the week. With so many calendars in my desk I can find pictures that I like to see that happen to be on the same 1st of the month.

For example, currently hanging in my office are October, April, and 2 June month calendars. The only thing they have in common is the 1st was on a Sunday.

It’s fun when people sit in my office and look and look at the calendars and then finally say something like “you don’t have the correct month up on any of your calendars”.

It’s my office and that’s the way I like it. Momma always told me I was special every morning she put me on that special bus.