oh oh went and done it now

Wife wanted me to go to town with her while she got some things. While she was at the dollar store I went to sportmans warehouse and wandered around. While there I grabed a TFOticxr in a 8 weight and fooled around a little with it. Now I look at the price and think I can build this rod for less then this with a lot better materials. I have been kicking around the thought of a 8 weight for steelhead fishing. Now I have built a lot of rods but none for myself. I guess next payday I can buy the stuff to build it just got to try to keep the wife from finding out until it is done LOL. Then to add to my delima I get home and my new hard drive for the computer is waiting for me. I can build a moter from parts adn make it run great but work on a puter. I am very very worried. If no one hears from me for a couple of days I guess I messed up

Well hard drive did not fit but tiger direct who I dealt with is sending a new one that will. Wife saw the posting and said if you want a tfo then build it but not until you can sell enough rods to pay for yours and all the bills. May just have a few rods for sale here shortly for under $100 just so I can get my 8 weight.

Harleybob87, Good luck buddy…:slight_smile: could be a an 8wt in your future, but I’ll share this with you, I used to have a supervisor a few years ago, who use to say to me when I went to her with an issue with an employee, she would say to me, that’s ok, tell them we can “free up there future” … :slight_smile: lol

harleybob87, Hey, let us know how the 8wt story comes out.
I’m all for happy endings…:slight_smile:

I’ll be getting that but god knows when. Wife says go ahead when you have the money. She always has to throw that in about the money part LOL

Yeah I know what ya mean there my friend, I want a 3WT for the small Brookie streams around here. Patience, its a virtue…:):):slight_smile:

You’re SUNK and ya’ know it!
Form page #11 of Jeff S,’ Book of Marital Advice-“How To Know, When To Shut Up!”, he instructs the husband to "Give up on fly rod dreams, once the wife states, “When YOU have the money!”, because as he points out… “It’s OUR and MY money and never YOUR money”.
Good advice!

You are so right Paul but then again I am BOB I will get the money somehow LOL