NW Youth Conservation and Fly Fishing

I know that this event is already in the history books, but since Ron Eagle Elk mentioned on another thread that he and Vicki had assisted at a youth fly fishing event I thought I would post a message regarding what the event was about.

This is a yearly event. The clubs I belong to help support the event with financial donations and the Washington State Council Federation of Fly Fishers also helped out as well as buying each youth there a years membership into the FFF. Members from these groups also assist during the event.

Larry :smiley: —sagefisher—

Here is an article that was in a Puget Sound Flyfishers newsletter earlier this year:

June 22-28, 2008
By Mike Clancy
Secretary WSCFFF

The WA Council Trout Unlimited and the WA State Council Federation of Fly Fishers jointly announce that applications are being accepted from youth, ages 12 to 16, to attend the annual Northwest Youth Conservation and Fly Fishing Academy. The Academy will be held from June 22 - 28, 2008 at the Gwinwood Conference Center on Hicks Lake in Lacey, Washington. It was established in 2004 to educate youths about the importance of natural resource conservation and stewardship, and to learn the basics of the sport of fly fishing. The week long summer event is modeled after the award winning Pennsylvania Rivers Conservation and Fly Fishing Youth Camp held annually in Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania. The Olympia Chapter Trout Unlimited and the South Sound Fly Fishers are the hosting organizations.
The curriculum is structured to provide students with a background in fundamental science and includes lessons in ecology, hydrology, aquatic entomology, invasive species, watersheds, wildlife management, and fish behavior. Participants also learn the basic fly fishing skills that include fly casting, fly tying, fly selection, knot tying, reading water, water safety, streamside etiquette, and the ‘catch and release’ ethic.
Twenty-four youths who show an interest in the outdoors and fly fishing will be selected to attend. The Academy is co-educational with acceptance based upon the candidate?s written essay indicating his/her desire to attend and the expectations she/he hopes to learn from the camp. Total cost, including meals and lodging, for the event is $275. Scholarships may be offered through local Trout Unlimited chapters and FFF fly fishing clubs. Fly fishing rods, reels, and fly tying equipment will be available. The deadline for applications is April 15, 2008.
For application or additional information visit website www.nwycffa.org or contact Dick Nye at (360) 491-9227 or e-mail, 2008academy@comcast.net.