Now I know why plumber charge so much

It was a piece of cake getting the old faucet and sprayer out of their 10-year lodgings. Even not too bad attaching the supply lines to the new faucets. (Kewl trick I learned on one of my favorite home shows ? hook up the water supply lines to the faucet BEFORE placing it on the sink!!) Lefty loosey, righty tighty comes in handy too, remembering which is which while upside down is something entirely different. Working in a very restricted area, with a totally demonic tool, the plumbers wrench, is a study in insanity. Every muscle in my body was quaking when I finished. BUT ?
I now have a beautiful, shiny, new faucet, and sprayer, in my kitchen sink!

It would also be suggested that a project like this one NOT be taken on, to be completed in less than an hour, while the spouse is not home. Inevitably, it will not be finished as quickly as thought, and the spouse will enter said kitchen to find you wedged up under the sink. This action does not go over well.

in this apt called plumber had a leak. was flooding. he says try this and then flood came back .i took own carr to hardware store 3 $ reddo his 100$bill work. tolit broke he went to resevere and left me with new tolit,( was to have man next day) man didn’t didn’t come back i saw him a month latter he asked what day he should come and fix tolit. one month with out tolit if u can’t fix it. tenet was happy i did it.
what would u doo with out tolit for a month?

next suite there is big hole 3 feet wide 2 feet tall and (taps in wall).
there aint need to cut a hole sink fell broke drain wall tiles came of cause of sink falling he cut support out for cubord too.

why would i call plumber i can do most work i have some tools like .big bills and damage’s.
lernt redooing plumbers ways and folks say if me cant to it oh oh,

i hear tentents / boss say do it my way its done right way. :shock:
i gave up on plumbers let me at it first.

well betty do it u self u do it your way u can do look i need this write it down.
take old part in rag with u to hardware store take a photo.

choose own parts choose not to use quick fix parts,

u sit back and say job well don’e.

take a break . sit down if they compain u grab his neck one hand
outher on his bottom and stick him (horozontal)into cubord and then ask him see what i did today. :smiley:

on those hose’s i do em from the bottom i use stainsess steel hoses.
if that hose is on that pastic nut to hold tap on aint going over nut .( i learnt a tric to remove em)
pillow at sink edge helps and that plumbers wrench helps.

if u change a supply tap use new ball less valve that are compression fit dont solder on.

BW … that’s one of the funniest things I’ve EVER read!! Thank you!

yeah funny how do u get thouse sink hold down nuts on with hose on?

i do have ha funny side. but some would say mean side.

Betty congratulations, :smiley: I redid my counter tops and put in a new sink about a month ago. (I feel your pain.) All the time I was doing it I was chanting my mantra under my breath. (IhateplumbingIhateplumbingIhateplumbing) Normaly any regular home repair job takes three trips to the hardware store, With Plumbing I figure 5. I am too broke to pay a plumber to do it. I have found that home repair isnt hard, just time consuming, I have more time than money so I am my own plumber, electrician, painter and carpenter. Of all the differnent home repair jobs, Plumbing is the one that is the biggest Pain

Have a great weekend


I’ve cut the number of trips to the hardware store appreciably by measuring with my rod building calipers, and taking pictures with the digital camera. When the guys see me come into the store with my calipers and camera, the cry goes out that, “Hey! Betty’s got another project!!” (we’ve gotten on a first name basis there!!)

eric for its simple . its cheeper than plumber to do it u self. the take money u saved and go eat out.
one tenent said come over at 6 pm she had 2 inch thick steaks arund 10 -11 in dia i
had to go to lobster farm and get two lobsters. her sink did not work took me 3 days to redo the line,
was colapsed … why compalin thouse steaks must of been elk buffalo or moose,

BW, meant to answer you this question, the sink hold down nuts were on the old faucet. The new faucet had a lock nut on the center thread only. Still had to attach to sprayer hose after getting the main holder tightened down. Would have been easier to have the hold down nuts to work with … they’re LOTS bigger and you can get them most of the way tight with your fingers. I really hate the demonic plumbers wrench!!

here were pipes come threw cubord have plastic wing nut, there biiger than sink hole
you put from botom finger tight and often retighten then next is supplie lines to supply taps.
u must have differnt kinds of tap. plumbers wrench is pain but i needed i bought it.

I LOVE PLUMBING!!! As a Handyman I get lots of calls to change kitchen and bathroom sink faucets. The conversations usually go like this:

Customer: “Do you change kitchen faucets?”

Me: “Yes, I change kitchen faucets.”

Customer: "How fast can you get over here?"(Notice she didn’t ask “how much.”)

Me: “I’m booked thru Thursday, but can get to you on Friday morning. Is this an emergency?”

Customer: “Of course it’s an emergency. My idiot husband was going to save lots of money and do this himself. Now there’s water…”

Me: “Say no more, I’m on my way. Oh, and there will be an additional charge to fix whatever your husband has messed up.”


:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Better half never enters my work area unannounced. Especially when I am working on plumbing or cars. She is afraid of the unidentified flying objects that come hurtling out of confined spaces where I am working. :shock: :lol: :lol:

Good for you, Betty. Those things are one of the toughest home repairs there is! :smiley:

Hey there Betty,
If you were in a line-up from which I was to pick out the lady who installed a faucet with sprayer, NO WAY would YOU be my choice. Of course, no disrespect intended. And Cary just watched ?? That tool, the basin wrench, is in fact demonic but under certain circumstances it’s the only thing that’ll do the job. Next time . like backwoods mentioned, pick a faucet with two large plastic wingnuts that you can almost hand tighten into position.


Joe, roflmbo, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I have thought of the handyman thing, I studied Refrigeration before going into babysitting,

Backwoods, any money I save goes into tools, AKA a local lady installs laminite on counter tops for $200 per kitchen, My router and a box of 12 bits cost me a little over that amount so I figure the router paid for itself when I installed the laminite myself.

And I get to play with the router :smiley: I have used it three times since then so I figure I am money ahead


money went on tools. then onto hoby like pcs or fishing.

Putting the new ones in are easy, its taking the old ones out that get me. Try taking out an old water heater that just wont drain; a liter of water weighs a kilo; that is about 8lbs a gal; 40 gals=320lbs, plus the weight of the heater and mineral deposits and sediment; ALONE. Frozen nuts from leaks people just put a jar under. Drains they never sealed properly. Bottoms of cabinets that collapes when you are in them from water damage. The list goes on. Glad you got it working. There are some bad plumbers out their, but there are good and fair ones also.

Been there, seen all that and more. If people would just call the repair person when the problem starts, instead of waiting for it to “fix itself,” they would save themselves a lot of problems and additional cost. The smartest person is the one who know what they don’t know, and calls someone who does! I don’t do HVAC and don’t want to learn (that’s another whole truck full of tools and inventory). Also, I don’t question Jeff when he comes to service my furnace & A/C because I know he’s knowledgeable and fair, and until he retires he’s got my work and my recommendation.

Oh, BTW, I’m good at what I do and fair in my pricing. If you don’t believe me, call your car mechanic and ask what HE charges per hour.


Hey Betty,
Next time I need some plumbing done I now know who to call, it will save my vocabulary some!
Bill :lol:

No, no, no, Cary didn’t just watch! This was to be a surprise for him … I’d planned on having it finished before he came in and found me under the sink!! (that’s normally how I do projects around here … when he isn’t aware!) When he found me, I was just about done, so he, with much begging from me, let me finish.


Been there, seen all that and more. If people would just call the repair person when the problem starts, instead of waiting for it to “fix itself,” they would save themselves a lot of problems and additional cost. The smartest person is the one who know what they don’t know, and calls someone who does! I don’t do HVAC and don’t want to learn (that’s another whole truck full of tools and inventory). Also, I don’t question Jeff when he comes to service my furnace & A/C because I know he’s knowledgeable and fair, and until he retires he’s got my work and my recommendation.

Oh, BTW, I’m good at what I do and fair in my pricing. If you don’t believe me, call your car mechanic and ask what HE charges per hour.


I wasn’t saying you weren’t fair, just saying most aren’t. But that is the same for most professions. I’m just glad I have the flexability to fish during the week sometimes. Thats the best part of my job.