"Not This Week"

Take care of the flu first. Hope the snow problems are gone.

I will survive no new issue becasue I am not addicted. I am going to go set in my room and tie some flies.

I am not addicted and I will survive.
I am not addicted and I will survive.
I am not addicted and I will survive.
I am not addicted and I will survive.

Rick [/u]

I gotta tell you, that’s exactly how I felt this morning! (and I might add, when you stopped your “quotes”!!)
I know there will be a resolution to LF’s problems (rest, lots of liquids, sunlight!), but what are we going to do for you?

I know this may sound like heresy to some, but a couple of months a year with a new edition only coming out every other week might not be a bad idea. It would give LF and JC a little respite, and a chance to ?catch their breath.?

Just a thought.

Dan, … I wonder if folks actually realize the time and energy it takes for LF and JC to keep this site up. New issues EVERY week, spammers, unruly capitalists, fanatics, … PIRATES!

Take care LF and JC.

JC & LF I hope you get well soon!!!
Don’t worry about US we have 3,000 eggplant recipes to look at.
As far Pirates, we just have to maintain a safe distance, out of grappling hook range.
Take Care!
Doug :smiley:

jc and lf take care of yourselfs first this comes later. Although I will miss the weekly issue I will not die from it LOL. Your health is more important that anything else. Let me know if I can do anything and take care

Take care of yourselves JC and LF - you and your health are WAY more important than any “minor inconvenience” of a delayed issue. Increase! :slight_smile:

JC and LF,

From reading this thread, I have to assume you all are having some health problems. I really hate to hear that and I will pray for speedy recovery for both you all. Please take care and, as others have mentioned, don’t worry about us and FAOL. We will survive. How, I don’t know, but, we will survive!! :wink: I am having some withdrawal symptons, but, I will hang in there until you all return. May God Bless you both and remember we love you.

Appreciate the concern and good wishes. I’m better but still shaky, back to the doc tomorrow. And yes, I did get a flu shot.

There is a very nasty 'flu virus going the rounds here as well, I was groggy for about a month. Take care LF & JC. Here is a good comforter :-

And I too would like to chime in by wishing da bode a yuz a speedy recovery from whatever ails ya. A new issue EVERY week has to be a strain to publish. I don’t envy your schedule and the pressure associated with it. At least I can call in and say the cat ate the prints and get a pass for a few days :slight_smile:


This is going to sound crazy, but I swear it’s the truth. I was normal and every year I got my share of colds and now and then the flu.

Seven years ago I moved to Big Bear. For the first time in my life I started getting flu shots every fall. I haven’t got the flu since moving here, but I haven’t got a cold either. Not even a sniffle. I know flu shots have nothing to do with preventing colds, but you’ll have a hard time convincing me of that.

Maybe I shouldn’t talk about it. I’ll probably get a cold tomorrow.

Gramps, you better be careful saying things like that. A few weeks ago one of my patients came in with a cold, and I wished her well, but said “thank God I don’t get colds any more”. The very next afternoon I started hacking away. Within the next week I think everyone in our clinic came down with it. My supervisor thanked me for it.

JC and LF, get well quickly. We miss you when you’re not around to ride herd on us.


LF I’m sure glad you’re on the mend, I hope JC is too. I have always been a little suprised you don’t have a built in vacation once in a while from the shenanagans that transpires on here. I know we must drive you nuts sometimes. ( Thats what family is for don’t ya know ) So Kick back and take it easy for a week or two. We will gripe a bit and complain a bit but in the end nothing will be lost. When your rested up and chipper again you can come back and ride herd on us once again.

Ps. I think Grizzly Wulff might have a good idea there.

LF & JC,

Just getting over a 10 day bout of “crud.” Sympathize and more with your dilemma. Started a week ago Sunday with what I thought was a runny nose and a possible sinus problem starting. Quickly developed into chest “crud” and coughing all the time. Thought I had a pass this year when I missed a bout in the fall. Yes - I had a flu shot. FAOL withdrawals are easier to take then a bout with the “crud.” Tkae care of yourselves accordingly. The rest of us will survive with a later update.