Not really a gripe but a question

Why when you edit a post the Title for the post will not show as being edited?

Example: Reel for Sale…Price Reduced.

I have to agree, it would be nice to edit the title, for instance I had three fly rods for sale and I sold one so now I have two fly rods for sale. It would be nice to be able to change the title to say Two Fly Rods For Sale. Maybe that change can be made???

Larry —sagefisher—

It can be changed, at your request, directed to one of we Admins.
Direct e-mail to me works quickly.

Or use the little triangle box at the upper right of your post. Send request and all admins will get it. One of us will change things for you, but only if it is from the original poster.

Denny Admin

Thanks Denny!


I am still unable to edit the “Title” of my post. I also do not see the triangle. Used to see it easily in the old format?

E-mail me direct and let me know what you desire. That would be the easiest way at this time.
Denny Admin