Our dear old 15 year old Shepherd/Chow mix,Cocoa, has left us. Contrary to what some may believe of the breeds, she was the gentlest dog I have ever seen. All our Grandchildren’s 1st words included “coke”, “dog”, or something to that effect. They all climbed over her, played with her WHILE she was eating, played in her crate with her, pulled themselves up on her (yes, even 15 month old Mike!), & NEVER anything but “love & licks” for those little ones. Our newest Great Niece, Emma, was here Friday & Cocoa “positioned” herself BETWEEN that child & her parents, as she has always done…watching over the children. Truly a special dog. She had been diagnosed with bladder cancer in September & given 3-6 months to live. In addition, the hips went. Thank God for St Paul (Flybinder), as he suggested Glucosamine, which got her through the Holidays, but this morning, Cocoa could not rise, although she tried her darndest.
Many a tear was shed here today, and 24 year old Maggie (she has had Cocoa since she was in 3rd grade), my bride Colleen, & I took her to the vet. They were wonderful, comforting, & helpful. She went very quickly & peacefully with her head in my hands. Two months ago, my wonderful friend Keith (FAOL’s Wirebender) offered to have Cocoa buried on his farm. When we arrived with her, Keith had the grave almost completed, & we laid her to rest. She was wrapped in Maggie’s “Muskingum College” blanket that Coke would lay on in Mag’s room & we buried her with her collar, leash, a favorite bandana, & her “Kong” toy. Maggie shoveled in a fair amount of soil, & Keith & I finished up.
When oldest daughter Molly told our little 4 year old fly fisher Tori that Cocoa was going to Heaven, Tori asked “Who will lift her up there, Mommy?” After Molly answered that God will, Tori told her Mommy that Aunt Maggie needed to stop by so she could tell her she’ll only cry for a day. Maggie is there as I type this. Following are a couple pics:
Cocoa at 14 years old
4 year old Erika with Coke (2 years ago)
We will miss her terribly, but what GREAT memories we have of her & her unconditional love.
Sorry for the ramble,