To me, this video represents a whole lot more than is depicted . These children are NOT an anomaly in Asian cultures where parenting takes on a special dedication. Although not specified,judging by the music, I believe they are of Mongolian extraction. All are bout 5 years old. I call this AMAZING.
Yeah, amazing is an apt description. I called my wife and kids after the first 10 seconds and we watched with astonishment. My five year old was very impressed, and simply smiled at what she was watching.
Yep, thanks Marco, I watched it three times already and really enjoyed it. Cracks me up how much these really, really, young ones are into the music - the middle gal really makes you smile. Past it along to friends and family - they think its a Hoot!! I should be so talented!! The only “strings” I play are shoe strings - and not very well! LOL!!