I am new to tying and realized that I don’t have a whip finisher. What is the best way to finish a fly without a whip finisher? Any special knot or Knot and head cement combo? I was hoping to start out by tying McEggs and Woolly Buggers to start with, and some simple nymph patterns.
Thank You. Erich
Eric! or should I call you “Red”,
Youi can whip finish by hand or with a tool. Either will work I will post hand instructions as soon as I can find that dumb web page. If you prefer some flies can be finished with half hitch. depends on what your looking for as a result. PM me I have a group of guys that can help localy.
I teach and the children are taught that they can use the open end of a BALL POINT PEN for a half hich tool. Couple wraps around the pen put the hole over the eye of the hook and slid the thread off. Couple time and the fly is finished. BILL
Most bodkins also have a half hitch tool opposite the needle. There are various ways to do it and there are some good videos by Gary Borger out and about on the web. I won’t post the exact site since it’s a competitor to this one, but if you google it you shouldn’t have much trouble finding it.
I don’t know what flies or sizes you are tying. But, here in Co. most patterns are on the small size. A carcass of a ball point pen is not going to put the thread where you need it. Same with doing the knot by hand. I learned to whip by hand, but on size 24 etc. it was a random thread layer. The Griffin tool is a pain. The Matarelli tool rocks. Here is a video for both. I don’t know why some people are scared to give links, after all, it is called the “information” highway.
When I bought my first fly tying kit from Cabela’s, it came with a Thompson style whip finisher. That tool was so cumbersome to use for me that I might as well have tried to play the guitar with my feet. Then I met Al Campbell and he showed me how to use a Matarelli whip finisher. Since that day, I’ve used only the Matarelli and have never owned or even used a Thompson. They are that easy to use. Here is a link to Al’s tutorial;
I apologize that I can’t get the link to work. If you go to the main page and in the left column click on Fly Tying, then go to Beginning Fly Tying and scroll down to Lesson #5. Click on that and you can learn about the Matarelli whip finisher.
You’ll love that tool.
Why wouldn’t that work for me?
Go to traditionalflies.com
Click on techniques
Click on Handwhip Finish
You will be good to go.
I would be happy to show you how to use the whip finisher. Stop by the Backpackers Shop in Sheffield and I or any of the guys there will teach you. Maybe even a lesson on some tying to help get you started.
I think everyone should learn to tie a whip finish by hand. It is one of the easiest and most useful techniques you can learn.
Using a hand whip finish means you can tie down materials at the back of a hook or anywhere in between. It makes tying oh so much easier…
3 half hitches and then go fishing.
Thanks for the info guys. I think that with all that was posted I should be able to figure something out.
Thanks, Erich
Your question was if there was some way to finish your fly if you do not own a whip finisher and you received the answer which was a series of half hitches and head cement which will work just fine. I would recommend that you purchase a Matarelli whip finisher when you can and learn to use it. It makes a very good whip finish of the head and your flies will stay together better. Just remember to whip from the front of the thorax to the eye and not from the eye to the thorax. Yes, the hand whip finish is good and when it is demostrated, it really looks good and professional, but, even though I can do the hand whip finish by hand, I use the Matarelli because with my job I am in and out in the weather and my hands are so dried out and cracked that tying thread just does not slide on my fingers as it does on others. I use and teach the Matarelli in my fly tying classes. Good luck with whatever you decide and be sure to take up Al Thomas’s offer.
My opinions and nothing more…
I tied for years using the half hitch method. Then I bought a matarelli style whip finisher. What an improvement! I think the heads look better, and it works easily using any of the instructions you can find online. (Try here first, though: http://www.flyanglersonline.com/flytying/beginners/part5.php )I should note that I’m a left hander, so my options are more limited. I would recommend the matarelli-style for anyone, though. I wish I’d bought one earlier.
I tried to do that hand whip finish and its a no can do for me.my hands are too calloused and it always sticks to my fingers. I have both the thompson whip finisher and the matarelli and I like the Matarelli Whip Finisher way better
My kit came with the Thompson whip finisher and after trying and failing I came up with this on YouTube. Although it looks to be easy I can tell you that I’ve tied ONE acceptable knot. When I can I’ll get the Materelli and try that. In the meantime I use the half hitch and it looks good to me. I am still practicing on the basics when I get something that looks like something a fish would eat I’ll post it.
I can whip finish by hand with no issues. I choose not to whip finish by hand and use the Mattarelli Whip finisher. The reason is because I tye show flies as well and use the whip finishing tool to form the head and of couse tye off the thread. The tool allows smoothe heads to be formed with hardly any effort. To do this by hand would take a little more time not to mention better hand care because the thread would fray with any burrs on your hand with the flattenning of the thread. The Matterelli whip finisher is pretty easy to use and once you get use to the tool in minimal time. This tool will become second nature and you won’t even think about whip finishing again.
I completely agree with the negative coments re the Thompson whip finishing tool over the Mararelli version. However, I think a couple half hitches plus a dab of head cement is just as good. In fact, any devised half hitch tool that fits over the hook eye is a great help. It allows you to push all stray hair or feather bits back away from the tie in point before you place the half hitch on the fly head.
I don’t have a whip finishing tool. They just seem confusing to me. I whip finish by hand. Sometimes I use the end of a bodkin to draw in the last bit, and tighten it up. Sometimes I just use my fingers…depends on how big the fly is really. I need to get one of the tools people recommend for small flies. However I am challenged when it comes to something like this. I looked at a friend’s whip finishing tool, and neither of us could get the thing to do right…LOL.