Cabelas has a new product. According to the hype, the only skeeters that bite are pregnant females. The new product hangs on your vest and emits the sound of an amorous male skeeter. Supposedly females cant stand it :shock:
My sister sent me three of these battery things about the size of a key chain and YES they work.
Fly Goddess, If ya got three guess Ill get one to try. Hate itchin while tryin to cast :lol:
For what it’s worth, from Cabelas website, [url=]customer reviews[/url:635ca]
I wonder what the fish think? :shock:
That is the little Solor Powered ones. I got one at Willian Joseph, but I have yet to try that one.
The ones I use are more of a teardrop shape and uses AAAA batteries. I clipped one to my zipper on my jacket and zipped it up and I could hear the hi pitched whistle at times.
If females can’t stand the amorous males, how come there’s so MANY of the darned things? :lol:
Does it work for other biting insects? Im not allergic to a mosquitos saliva, so I don’t itch from a bite. Black flies however are a different story.
I don’t remember, it was last year, but I do remember, I didn’t get bit.