I am sure this question comes up very often. My problem,(along with many others), is I can’t find it doing a search. What I need to know is what strip do you put in with your feathers to stop the bugs? All I can see are the sticky ones. Don’t think that would go well with hackle .
A recent thread spoke about using a dog, flea tick collar cut into pieces to help protect your investment. Be careful about putting those same feathers and tying materials in your mouth or eating while tying etc.
i put mine in tupperwear boxes with some cedar chips for like a dog house. sometimes i have to pick them out of the hackles or feathers or skins but i have NEVER seen a bug in my stuff
No bugs, but as a result of this thread I bought a flea and tick collar tonight, cut it up in pieces and placed in each of my bags with feathers and fur. Hopefully will avoid any problems.
Most flea and tick collars require a stretching before they are activated. If the collars are your choice, be sure to read the package to see if they need the stretch before you cut them into small pieces. Hard as heck to stretch a one inch long flea collar.