no offence backround check

As a favor to my father in order to go on a local fish-in, can anyone give me positive id’s, character values, backgrounds, etc on 8Thumbs and/or threedayweekend? i fully believe that they are fine gentlemen, but i have never met them, and will not be able to attend the fish-in unless i can get some info.

much appreciated


I have not met them in person, but if they are offering to take you to a fish-in, how about having Dad meet them and have a chance to talk to them? I am sure they would be willing and it would probably set Dad’s mind at ease.

I am sure others here know them much better than I do, though.

First, good for your dad. Second, send both of them a p.m. explaining what you need. They may very well be abler to give you a phone number for a pastor, co-worker or maybe even a local police agency that has checked their background for a concealed carry permit or something. It wouldn’t be a bad idea for one of them to speak to your father anyway. A concencus in advance about what is reasonable for young people to do can save hard feelings later.

why not make it a father-son type of outing. i bet he;d have fun going with you

i sent threedayweekend a pm, but 8T’s folder is full. i appreciate the suggestions, but i need more info before i can even call them. im trying to get personal emails so dad and them can correspond also.


and normand, i would but he is usually busy, and this trip was proposed by a younger friend of mine who is setting it up. im sure he wouldnt mind having dad along though, so thanks for the suggestion


Hey, Jordan. Maybe a mom would like to go! Maybe your friend’s father?


neither of our mothers fish, and his father would have a casting technique similar to swinging a butterfly net. they dont have a problem with us going, as long as they know backgrounds.


Just sent you a PM about me with a phone number and info

Good for you dad. My son is 15 and I’d probably do the same thing if he were wanting to go fishing with some guys from the internet I didn’t know.

Hope he and the guys link up and you get a chance to go fishing.

I’ve gone fishing with a few guys from the forum over the years and it’s always been a very enjoyable experience.

Of course, i’m 49 and the way my wife looks at it is if my life insurance is paid up. :slight_smile:

Anyway, hope it all works out well for you.


thank you jeff, i believe that it will. im 18, so its a little different, im trying to make my own decisions, but his advice usually proves to be helpful