Anyone have any tips on how to get through my post op (had surgery 3 days ago)
Tips on things to do to get better or ways to get over my boredom from being off work the next 5 days? Shoulder actually doing well and few pain pills thankfully, the bad part is no fishing for awhile
Hope the surgery worked for you. Has to be a bummer when you cant do what comes natural with the fly rod. But----this just might be the best time to think about learning to cast from the other side. I’m sure you have been in situations where the other side would have really worked. Just don’t try double-hauling with the sore sholder right off the bat.
I bet Ladyfisher has lot of suggestions for you. If I recall correctly she had two surgeries to endure. Hang in their and don’t push it. In the meantime, you might want to read the articles on the main page. Lots of good stuff to pass the time away.
I had surgery on my right shoulder in 01. It was not fun. The PT will help alot and ice packs help to allieviate some of the pain. Three weeks after the surgery I drove myself to Cottonwood creek (about a 2 hour drive) and caught fish on an ultra-lite rig. I had a follow-up appointment the following day with my Dr. so I kept one trout, cleaned it, put it on ice and delivered it to him. After checking me out he said he would prescribe fishing to all his shoulder patients.
The biggest problem I had was learning a new fly casting technique. Performing a good roll cast is still hard for me to do because I only have about 30 percent mobility in that shoulder. It gets easier over time so just bear with it.
Now, seven years later I still experience pain and discomfort in that shoulder but I don’t let it stop me from fishing.
Just mind your doctor, follow the direction of your physical therapist, take it easy for awhile. You’ll be ready for opening day next spring. Jim
there are some photos of me casting at the Idaho Fish-In, can’t fake that stuff S
Unfortunately age is/was against me, we just don’t heal as well as when we were young(er),
doc told me a year and a half probably, and I’m already much better than he thought I would ever be. Had the second re-do surgery Jan. 10th of this year, so am I pushing it? Well yes, and I pay for it when I do, still take some pain meds but I’m not goofy on the stuff. Between the two surgeries I figure I lost about a year of being able to be productive. Sorry…
Do the physical therapy - BUT - if you run into excess pain, complain to the doc immediately, don’t run the risk of having everything torn loose and having a 2nd surgery.
Learn to cast with the other hand. It will give you something to do and you’ll probably be a better caster overall as well. Good luck and Best Regards…