Nixon's .56er SBS

More vintage stuff, this one from Louisiana tyer Tom Nixon. Bugger/Crackleback combination; change size/belly stripe and fish it for pretty much anything.

hook - Mustad 9671 #6
underbody - .030 non-tox
thread - Danville 6/0 black
tail - mallard flank dyed chartreuse
rib - x-small wire silver
body - yarn grey (Dazzleair used here)
belly - Egg Yarn chartreuse
hackle - grizzly

Part 1

wrap front half of shank with non-tox; start thread, wrap to bend

measure (shank length) mallard; tie in

tie in rib

tie in Egg Yarn on underside of hook

tie in body yarn, wrap, tie off 1 eye width back from the eye, trim

Part 2

pull belly yarn forward; tie off/trim

tie in hackle, reverse palmer

capture tip of hackle with rib, continue forward, helicopter end, whip finish, SHHAN, trim hackle tip


Nice SBS Scott. Excellent photo’s!!

Great White River (Arkansas) pattern! I tie it with an orange belly.

.56%er is a good fly pattern. A modification to the tying sequence that I made is to add a wire of monofilament ribbing and to tie in the hackle behind the hook eye. The hackle is wrapped “Bugger style” to the rear of the body and tied off with the ribbing and continue wrapping the ribbing forward, tying it off behind the hook eye. A bead head with a thread hot spot can also be used.
Per Mr. Nixon: point 56 percent 'er

I really like this pattern. Love the photos showing each step. This is one that I will definately add to my flybox. Thanks for sharing this with us. It is very mcuh appreciated.

I found a 2nd edition copy of Mr. Nixon’s book on EBay for $8. Many good patterns and a good investment. Following the tying instructions, he gives history to the .56%er.

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