NFF ... Mac question

Guys …
I rebuilt my system folder today, and in the process a “Previous System” folder was formed. Guess it’s an archive file. Can I delete that file, and still have the computer work? I’m sure it is delete-able, but I would so like to have the computer still work!!:stuck_out_tongue: Is it possible? Does it take up much “space”? Should I even worry about it? Thank you, in advance.

According to my IT Dept. (my son), as long as all of your files and documents are in their proper place as they were before reinstalling your operating system, deleting the archive will do no damage. The file is create so that if there is something is out of place or missing followingthe update, it can be retrieved form that file. Yes, it is of substantial size and will give you more available space on your hard drive if needed.

My son suggests an external hard drive (they’re relatively inexpensive not) to backup all of your important documents. I have a 300GB external drive that I bought for under $100 online. Not sure what size drive is in your computer, but I would suggest at least 2X that size for your backup drive. This should serve you well for quite some time.

Bless you(r son)!!! I’ve spent a good part of the day transferring all my “important” files to the new 500GB external hd, and reforming the system accordingly. Now I can delete the previous system and get some working space! Thank you, Joe!!