Newby trout swap

This swap is closed thanks to those who are participating.


This swap is for those of you who want to swap but feel your flies don’t measure up. New Tyers, those with no confidence etc.
I will be hosting, I haven’t tied more than a dozen flies in the last year and need to get tying again.

Limited to 12 Tiers, Trout files, Dries Wets etc. don’t worry about committing to a pattern if we all tied EHC it would be ok.

General rules apply. if in doubt see here. \

Flies due to me by March 31.

Thanks for Reading

1 Eric -Bead Scud
2 Greenghost -stonefly nymph-RECEIVED
4 Roygpa -Pfendler Minnow - RECEIVED
5 deserttrout -cased caddis’s - RECEIVED
6 jburg -Royal Wulff- RECEIVED
7 lylelovett666 -lightning bug - RECEIVED
8 DaveP63 -beadhead zebra midges- RECEIVED
9 Maodiver -white biot parachute -RECEIVED
11 Red Diamond- irrestiable-RECEIVED

Sounds like just the swap I’ve been looking for,LOL.Like yourself,I’m a bit out of practice,but cabin fever has me back at the vise recently,anxiously awaiting Spring.If you’ll sign me up I’ll decide on a pattern over next couple days?

Greenghost, your in the swap.

Let me be the first to welcome you to FAOL, new guys have to chop the wood for the stove and bring the donuts.:wink:


I would like to participate.

Thank you


thanks for the welcome,been lurking for quite awhile without posting,lotsa great info here.

OK Roy, your in :smiley:


Add the deserttrout with some cased caddis’s.

Welcome to the swap DT nice to have you.



I just took a fly-tying class in Jan, so I think that puts me in the category of “newby” :wink: I’d love to join in with maybe a royal wulff or another type of dry. Thanks!

Good to have you on-board jburg, let me know when you know for sure what your tying.

Welcome to FAOL, wow two first time posters joining this swap, were making new friends here.


Thanks Eric, and yeah a first time post. I’ve been “lurking” for a while but want to start participating more.

Go ahead and mark me down for the royal wulff for sure.

Your on the board with a Royal Wulff, great fly.


I have decided to tie the Stimulator


The Stimulator changed to a Bead Scud, the Stimulator needed some Caffeine it kept falling asleep and drowning.


If any others are needed for the fly swap I would like to be included.I started tying in mid Jan and would like to get some feedback as well as give some to others.Just tying nymphs right now so I thought PT, lightning bug or copper john(chartreuse).Dealers choice.

I’ll do some beadhead zebra midges, assorted colors!

lylelovett666 and DaveP63 your both in the Swap, were glad to have you. Tie what you wish you don’t have to commit till you put them in the mail if you don’t want to.


If only I had a vise, looking for one right now,did some tying before from a kit I purchased but that one well broke.



There will be other swaps in your future, I really like my Griffin, don’t think you can get a better beginners vice. Solid easy to set up. You can pick one up for under $50 and get a vise that will last almost forever.

I would like to buy a peak rotary but with out a job I need to save money for the important things like fish-ins etc.


Been experimenting with a few different stonefly nymph patterns last couple nights…so looks like that’s what I’ll be tying?

What thell…sign me up. Size 16 white biot parachute