newb: tying thread to hook shank?

i’m trying to tie my first fly and all these instructions say to wrap thread to hook shank. how do you prevent the thread from unwrapping??? do i tie some kind of knot or just wrap it eye to shank back to eye then half hitch? thanks.

Start your thread behind the hook eye. Holding on to the free end of the thread, wrap several turns back over the free end, then a few back to the start. The thread should be locked in. If I were you, I’d get ahold of one or more fly tying intro DVD’s. Or, even better, find an individual or club near you to help. Where are you located?


Yea, what chuck said, but personally, i either make three strong wraps, at the thickest part of the fly, or when I tie atlantics, so that i donot make toomuch bulk, i use a lil zapagap 8)


cool. got it. now to figure out the half-hitch thing… i’m in Houston so i’ll probably get with the local fly tyers. they have monthly meetings i believe.

try this link for KWSU tv they are our local pbs station and have a few videos that may be helpful, then work your way through the beginning tying found on the fly tying link on the main menu of this site, … c=Outdoors

you will be tying great in no time.


that wasn’t too bad…

accidently tied the top wing to the bead eyes, but it’s my first fly. yeeeehawwwww!


I strongly recommend that you go to the main menu and click on Fly Tying and then go to Al Campbell’s Beginners Fly tying section and follow it from the start to the finish and you will be surprised how much fun you will have and all your questions will be answered. After you go through the Beginners section move on to the Intermediate section and then on to the Advanced section. If you will go through each section from start to finish you will learn a lot. Al was a great instructor and his fly tying section on this site is second to none. Have fun! :slight_smile:

That is a pretty nice lookin fly


thanks. yeah, i read the tools part of the fly tying tutorial so that helped me figure out what everything besides the vice was hehe. man, this is gonna be fun. gonna tie some big Jack flies.

if i were you, i would tie some large clousers like you just did :slight_smile: in chartruse

(200th post :))

first fly?
looks pretty darn good to me :smiley:
i remember my first fly was a ball of dubbing lashed to a baitholder hook without a vice and sewing thread for thread!
but you know ut it caught fish to :lol: