was lookin around the sewing department a few week ago in wallmart & got to eyeballing some things what might work in making realistic cadis fly wings or terestial wings… picked up several things, put them down, pickedem back up & looked atem again… this went on fer about 30 minutes and then i spotted something… its called (wrights simply creative) and is nothing more than some see through petal shapes sewn onto a length of ribbon… anyhow i bought it fer bout 2$ and took it home then cut a petal off the ribon & found that the material is doubled so i get 2 wings from the same cut… it is similar to a real fine net mesh but a slight bit stiffer… the wings when tied on a fly are see through & can be coloured to suit the fly… anyhow 1 small roll of the stuff is enough to make hundreds of wings for flies up to size 6… the material is durable yet flexable as well like a wing on the real insect…
will not unravel as it is fused togather… as far as casting, it cast great… the material is very light weight and the fly lands on the surface like it sipposed to… take the same fly, 1 tied with a feather wing and 1 tied with the wrights simply creative… the fly tied using the wrights simply creative for wings is a tad lighter and floats just as good… they carry different colours of this material but i like the white pictured… if ya look at the picture of the fly ya can see that the wing is transparent… the body was tied with a brown chaneile… all my dries when i tie them gets brushed with water shed before being put into the fly box…
It is great looking, but does it absorb water? Also I have a problem of fish sliming flies up, how easy can you dry this off? I would think Frog Fanny would work.
I have used simular stuff before and really liked the end result. Wing burners help with the unraveling problem, at least with craft ribbon I have used before.
It’s always fun hanging out in the sewing department and taking time to examine all the beads, yarns and ribbons. The best part is the stares that men get while shopping for fly tying materials in sewing sections. Throw in a few moments in the doll making isle looking for doll eyes and the check out girl really thinks you are a bit odd.
I’m very impressed by your find at Walmart. I just returned from our local facility, and could not find the material. Could you be more specific with stock numbers or other hints. The trout that I release and I will be most appreciative.
You have a problem with fish sliming up flies? How can that be a problem? I always thought that was a good thing? Wouldn’t it be worse if the fish didn’t like your flies and ignored them? But then your flies wouldn’t get slimed!
look at the side what has the bar code… heres what it has writen on it… (the stock # is 1446042030 3-1/2" petal fringe 24" wrap 1000 0/0 nylon) makes exelent wings, casts & floats great… the fibers are fused so it will not unravel as well as being light weight & tough…