I suppose like most, I learned to tie on a Thompson Model A Pro. And used that vise for years. A few years ago I got a Dan Vise and while not bad, I do have a few issues. I am thinking of going back to a more traditional vise and keep the Dan for tying buggers and such, or when I truly need a rotary. The ones I have been looking at are Regal, HMH (Spartan) and Dyna King (Squire or Voyager).
I did read Han’s vise review on another board, but the thoughts of those here are always appreciated and highly regarded.
I have a couple vises and nothing, to me, comes close to the Regal. Squeeze the lever, insert hook, let go of lever…start tying. Holds hooks like nobody’s bizness. Quick, simple, easy. I don’t care alot for jacking around with tons of knobs and such.
My Regal vise rotates…not a “true rotary” but handy for inspecting the far side of the fly, etc.
Lots of good vises out there. With most, it’s just a matter or personal preference. Good luck in whatever you decide.
Well I decided to get a new vise for my birthday/holiday present combined. (My birthday is a week before Christmas actually) I ordered a HMH Spartan this afternoon. I liked the Standard, but it was not worth an extra one hundred to me. If I had the money to blow on any one vise, I wouldn’t know which one for sure. But I like the fact the Spartan is made in Maine. It has a life time warranty. Plus I have heard excellent feed back on customer service if there is a problem. That to me is worth a little extra. There are a few good vises out there in this price range. I think it would be nice if they had a bunch of vises you could go try out. But there isn’t such a thing around me. So I just made the best choice possible for my situation, and finances. I had about 4-5 vises on my short list I was looking at, but decided to get an HMH vise. I will let ya know what I think when it gets here. I also liked the fact they have videos you can see how it works on You Tube, and their web site. Griffin did not have that. Dan Vise and Dyna King were others I seriously considered.
I don’t know what warranty on the Danvise is in writing…and I have 2 of them…but I am very confident that they …the Beaty’s…will stand behind the vises…at least for their life times.
I must say that I really like my Regal. It holds 24’s and 3/0s. Open clamp insert hook release lever and it never, ever moves until you open the jaws again. Its small and easily folds up. I can’t say enough good things about it.
hello- i’m new to the forum- been lurkin’ w/out postin’… so i thought i might add my .02- the HMH spartan is a great vise! simple, solid and smooth…
i love mine!
have fun what ever you decide on! , aquabone.
Nothing wrong with the Dan Vise. In fact, a year or so ago I did send it to Al for some warranty work. My only complaint is the clamp. I don’t have a permanent tying table. If you try and use it on a table with a beveled or routed edge you’re hosed. Tried a pedestal and have to use a C clamp to hold it from moving around. Seems a bit much to have to go through to tie a few flys. Still for the price and it being a true rotary, for the right set up I would recommend it.
I can see your point about mounting the clamp on a beveled edge. That would be a drawback. I’ve never had to do that…
I’ve mounted my Danvise on a glass tabletop, wood desk, and vehicle steering wheel. I love that versatility and portability. Its a great little vise, and easy on the wallet.
When it comes to vises their are a lot of people that own rotary vises and never use the rotary function. I am guilty of this statement as well. Now getting back to a traditional style of vise is nice and practical. Two of the vises that you mentioned I feel are the best when it comes to hook holding power, ease of use decent looks and minimal adjustments. I feel the Regal would be my first choice and the HMH would be my second. Now since I tye everything from Wet flies, Streamers and Salmon flies up to 5/0 I went with the best and last vise I will ever own a Renzetti Master. Now the only reason I did not go with the Regal that truly holds hooks like there’s no tomorrow were for two reasons:
I needed to buy another set of jaws to deal with 5/0 Salmon hooks (Major + higher cost)
I hate that damb material holder on the vise that makes the vise look stupid. (Minor, more me being quirky on looks)
Now if decide to look at a rotary vise then look at a Renzetti or a Dynaking Barracuda/Jr. The danvise vise is just ok and more on the low budget side of vises. I seen them and don’t like them. Good luck and hope you choose the vise that’s right for you. Lastly I will tell you if you can, please tye a fly on each vise and see which one that you like the most.
AHA Grasshopper!..Pedestal for your Danvise IS available through wonderful FAOL Sponsor… www.btsflyfishing.com/ …Al & Gretchen can take care of you.
I have the DK Voyager II. It has excelloent hook holding power and I like that you can rotate the vise to get a 360 degree view. The Voyager II is similar to the Voyager, but you have the ability to adjust the angle which I find helpful. I see the Voyager has been discontinued and at a very good reduced price.
I have the Dyna King Barracuda Jr. I use the rotary a lot and I would miss it if I didn’t have that feature on another vise. My travel vise is a E-Z Rotary Vise that is actually a really good little vise.
Grasshopper very aware of pedestal. Master’s eyes must be getting bad, because Grasshopper mentions using pedestal in post. Grasshopper not like having to clamp pedestal to table. Grasshopper, also talk with Al Beatty, but looking for better alternative.