Has anybody seen and cast the new Imperial rods? If so, what is your impression of them.
This is ours.
I should mention that we gave away a ‘YOUR CHOICE’ of any St Croix Imperial rod just last month (December). Sure hope you were registered for that one.
Did i see made in NA? Thats good compared to the Reign (which it replaced) which was made in China or somewhere overseas i believe. Looks like a nice rod, ill have to consider one for my next rod purchase, even though i have enough.
OK. I love St Croix rods. I own three of them. And I was dissapointed that I did not win this rod. But, I did not read anything that mentions how you thought it cast. The link looks more like the company bio for the rod.
I have cast and am still kicking myself for not buying an 7 1/2’ 4wt Imperial before St Croix took them off the market. Those rods were more of a medium action. It appears that St Croix is reintroducing the Imperial as a med-fast rod.
Please, please, please don’t misunderstand my intent here.
The new Imperials are getting great reviews (I’ve recently read two)
The graphite is a blend of their SCII and SCIV for a high modulus/ high strain combination
They’re 10-15% lighter weight and have slimmer ferrules then the older ones
There are no longer any St Croix Rods made in China
They decided the price of shipping was not cost effective
When label say Made in North America… that means Mexico
The higher end rods are still made in the USA
Angler Dave, the truth be known. I have not cast one yet. But, I took the word of Jeff at St Croix on this one. So far, he has always been right on. If he says it is different and is a mid-fast rod, I figure it is.
I haven’t cast them but did handle one and it seemed med-fast. I was not enamored with the stripping guide which seemed oversized. I have always liked St. Croix rods and have quite a few but only one Fly, a 5 wt.
I have two Imperials made before the discontinue and re-introduce, a 5wt. and a 6wt. Love them both and also own a Legend Ultra that I love. I will have to at least try one before they get discontinued again.
I agree with you. As a long time and avid (no pun intended) St Croix customer, I am really sold on their rods. I had visions of that new 7 1/2’ Imperial in a 4wt dancing in my head. If I get a chance to cast one, I’ll post my thoughts.