New Sage Flight???


I have seen that Sage has changed the Fli fly rod by Flight, now with G5.

Have you been able to prove the new FLIGT rod?
How is the new Fligt rod?

I wanted to buy a Fli, but before I want to know how is the new rod.
Is it very fast or is it how the Z Axis???

Thank you, and excuse me for my bad english.


Thanks for that last sentence because I was about to ask you what you were asking :slight_smile:

I knew something was changing in the line up since the Fli series was on sale now. I sent you a pm. “New and improved” are words that generate a lot of excitement, but only time will tell about the new series of rods.

I read that they are lighter, which can mean more responsive and it can also mean less durable. I see where they are coming with a new case, that will hold a rod and reel, which is a good idea in my mind. I have not seen one of the rods yet, but always like to keep up on the model changes.

On your English, it is much better than my Spanish or my French and I studied both for some time. Glad that you posted your question since it will keep all of us up to date on what is happening with this rod. Thanks,


Rick, You are very kind,
thank you and a greeting from Spain.

I don’t know anyone that’s cast them yet, but I have heard that Sage was describing them as a little softer than the Fli. Kinda like how the Z-Axis got a little softer than the XP, I guess the change is similar from the Fli to the Flight.

But that could also be completely unreliable info.

English looks good, better than I do most of the time.

As for the rods, I cast a 9’5wt and a shorter 4wt the other day. They seemed lighter than the Fli and sure do look better. For me, it felt stiffer than the Fli but more responsive (if that makes sense). Did not cast well in close at all, but past 50’ it would hold tight loops and did seem to load better. The shorter rod in the 4wt was not a small stream rod at all, waaayyy too fast. It’s like these rod manfs don’t get that a small stream rod doesn’t need to cast 70’ in a parking lot. The 5wt was nice, esp for big water or if you’re mostly casting long distances.