the 1594 1/2 is listed as “up to 8wt” which means it’s a bit big, but if it balances the rod all right it should work. The drags aren’t very smooth so light tippets will be a challenge. I’ve got one (a 1494) on my bamboo and it seems to do just fine, just not as light, smooth, or pretty as some of the others I own.
The following are only my recommendations and nothing more:
I have and use 3 Pflueger 1494DA’s and love them. They are not the new ones and I have never seen one of the new ones to compare them to each other. I purchased mine through E-Bay by doing a lot of research and looking over the pictures they showed to make sure I was bidding on one that was in “like new” conditon and that they were the “vintage” reels meaning they were made in the 60’s when they were made in the USA. I cannot tell you if they are any better then the new ones. I have also purchased thru OnePfoot new drag plates for each one plus a counter balance for the spools for each one. The new drag plates he produces are metal and have 8 indents on each side so that you can change them from left hand retrieve to right hand and vise-versa. The original drag plates would allow you to switch but, one side of the drag plate has 8 indents and the other side only has 4. The drag plate that OnePfoot produces really smooth out the drag and tone down the “click” you hear when you retrieve line. For the size fish you are going after, I would recommend the 1494 reel. It is rated for 6/7 weight line. OnePfoot also produces a new reel foot for the older reels. The foot on the older reels was thicker and did not fit the new rods very well. OnePfoot’s reel foot is lighter and really makes the reel fit the new rods. OnePfoot really has a nice web site and makes lots of parts for the Pflueger reels. It would pay you to look his site over. He also has, although it does not show up on his web site, the “Hot Sauce” reel lube. I do not work for OnePfoot. I am just a very satisfied customer of his and his customer service is fantastic. I am trying to get him to look into being a sponsor of FAOL. If you should decide to purchase off E-Bay, like I did, to get one made in USA, plan on spending around $30 to $45 for it. If you should decide that you are just going to purchase a new one, then I would recommend that you look at one of our sponsors, They have the Pfluegers for $23.99.
After all my reels were stolen…many the old/vintage medalists…I bought a couple of the new ones and they seem fine to me.
The RC is a feature I like.
They are really just backup reels for me so I haven’t given them much of a work out but for the price I figure I didn’t go wrong.
I have 5 of the imported Medalists and use them all the time.
They’re my main fresh water reel and I even have a couple that are occasionally used in the salt.
I prefer the classic look of the 1400 series myself, but that’s just me.
I bought a new Pflueger Medalist a couple years back when I decided to get serious about fly-fishing, but didn’t want to invest a lot of money in it.
I’ve since invested a fair amount, and no longer use the Medalist reel. But that first season, it was the ONLY fly reel I used, and fished it on my 5wt rod on more than 100 fishing outings that year. I had absolutely NO problems with it whatsoever. My disclaimer is that although I caught over 1,000 fish on it, none took more line than I had off the reel already, so I never got to test the drag.
We probably sell more Pflueger reels than just about anybody. It’s not only the beginners who like them because of their low price, but many folks who’ve been around for years prefer them.
They’re simple, classy and inexpensive. Many bamboo folks use them on very expensive rods! And . . . an expensive reel will NOT make you a better fisherman! I say buy an inexpensive reel and invest the savings in a trip.
I would bet that more fish have been caught, and landed, using a Pflueger Medalist reel than any other reel ever made.