I am still playing with this Larvae Lace stuff ( I have to stop this. It’s getting out of hand). I was wanting to make a Helgramite pattern, but it turned out a bit different. It has all the features of a Helgramite, but it looks more…evil.
I took this one out a while ago to the Ocoee River, just to see how it acted in the water, (about 4 miles from my office) and just got back. Out of 10 casts, I nailed 2 trout, about 14" each, and 1 SM Bass that was probably around 2 lbs. I wish I had taken my camera. I wasn’t expecting this. It is around 26 degrees here. I’ll know next time.
Anyway, the fish seem to like it. Here it is…the infamous Helgramonster!
Hook: #8 Streamer Hook
Thread: Black Kevlar
Weight: Doubled up Med non-lead wire, tied opposite the hook bend so that it rides ‘hook-up’ in the water.
Tail Pinchers: Black Bucktail
Abdomen: Black Larvae Lace
Thorax: Black Renegade Craft Fur, cut fine and used with dubbing loop.
Thorax Carapice: Black Swiss Straw.
Eyes, Black Bead Chain, small-tied opposite the hook bend, to help it ride ‘hook-up’ in the water.
Mouth Pinchers, Swiss Straw, trimmed to shape.
Is it weighted at all? I’ve been using Heartwell’s Hellgramites for at least three years now and really do well with both trout and bass in streams. I tie them smaller for trout, but both are weighted. Like you, the first time that I used one was surprising in just how much they like these things. It doesn’t seem to matter what time of the year it is either.
I use a doubled up piece of non-lead wire, a little shorter than the hook shank, tied opposite of the hook-bend, so that it rides ‘hook-up’ in the water.